Brock's buddy

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  I sit there, head in my hands. I don't know if I can really take care of these boys alone. They're already fighting. I get up and start looking around. I always go to the greenhouse when i'm not feeling too good. It was kinda just like my go to happy place. 
  I pick up a little potted plant of the table. I examine it for a couple seconds then notice that the plant is starting to die. I focus my mind on the plant. I close my eyes and think about all living things. Animals, plants, humans, and any other living things that can come to mind. I open my eyes and look at the plant, it still looks dead. "Gosh darn it." I sit down and put the plant on the table right in front of me. Why didn't it work? 
  I keep staring at the plant. I've been working on these type of things my whole life, why isn't it all of a sudden not working? Picking at the little leaves on the plant, I notice the potions beside my plants. I always labeled my potions because i'd get scared I would drink the wrong one and probably turn into a monster.
  The plants around me start wilting. I get up quickly and look at all my beautiful plants that took so much hard work begin to all wilt and die at the same time. I run over to one of the plants and try to figure out whats wrong with it. "T-This cant be happening. What the hell is going on?" I can feel tears beginning to form in my eyes. Why the hell is this happening!?
  I cover my face and scream but as I pull away my hands I notice gooey burning flesh on my hands. The skin on my face starts peeling off. I cry out in agony and pain but no one can hear me. I fall to the ground and lay on the floor in defeat. The last thing I see before everything turns black is a figure standing in front of me.
  My heads shoots up as I hit my head on a light. "Ow!" I hold my head. I feel the sweat pouring off my forehead. Looking around, I notice I fell asleep in my greenhouse. I remember coming in here after breaking up a fight between Ryan and Craig, watering my plants, and then resting my head on the table. The plants around me look just fine, none are dead. I stare at the plant in front of me and lift my hand, focusing my mind on it. A flower blooms on top of the plant which makes me smile. I sigh in relief. That was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had, I usually don't have nightmares that much but when I do, they're terrifying.
  I lay my head down on the table and look at the potions in front of me. Death, love, hate, just normal stuff. I always had a thing for making potions, it was just a fun activity for me to do when i'm bored. Seeing if I could create anything new.
  I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I quickly get up and turn around, raising my hand. Vines from the roof come down and shoot towards where I heard the footsteps. Nothings there though. I sigh and make the vines go back to the roof. Why am I so paranoid at times? Everything could be perfectly fine and then out of no where I think someones trying to kill me. 
  I turn around and bump into something. I shake my head and look up at...him. The man who ruined my life. The man that made everything harder for me. The man that made me suffer for years. Luke.
  "Ey buddy, watch where you're going." He smiles at me. How the hell did he get in here!? "I thought I told you to never come back here! I never wanted to see you again!" I hate him so much, after everything he made me go through. He made me suffer and did nothing about it. He wasn't there when I needed him most, he left me behind! 
  "You left me behind, Luke! Get out!" I scream in his face. If he doesn't get out i'm gonna punch him. "Calm down, I just wanted to say hi." Just wanted to say hi? That doesn't sound anything like him. "Well hi, now leave before I fling you into the sun." I'm not kidding. "Well I was thinking..." 
  This little freaking meanie. "Maybe I could stay with you, I swear I've changed!" Luke looks at me with pleading eyes. I sigh. I don't want to risk my life to keep this man out of trouble again but he's my friend so I guess I have to. "Fine, you can stay, just don't go anywhere near my students." 
  "Students?" He smiles. Frick, I shouldn't have said anything. "Students!? What students? I don't have any students for sure! What were we talking about?" I smile innocently and look around nervously. "You have new students, don't you?" I should just give in, I could never win against Luke, he's just too powerful. 
  "How about I go say hi?" Luke begins to walk towards the door. Quick! Stop him! Think of something! I lift my hand and focus my mind on the plants. I watch as vines and roots grow around the lock of the door causing it to stay shut. Luke looks back at me. "Really?" He looks back at the vines and roots. They begin to dry up and fall off the door. Crap.
  I watch as he opens the door. I cant let him get away, not again. I run up and jump on his back. "I will not let you hurt my new family! Not like you did with the last one!" I try and pull him back but he keeps his balance. "Listen Brock, They were our family and it wasn't my fault!"
  I stop for a split second, beginning to think of my old family. My students are what I call family. They were the only ones there for me when Luke was gone. But he always came back and did the same thing. He killed them. The first couple were accidents but he grew more fond of the whole killing thing. They trusted me, all of them but all I did was lead them to their death. 
  I tried killing Luke before. I tried poisoning him once. He knew what I was trying to do and he was fine with it. It didn't work though. I sat there, watching him cough up blood and and twitching. I felt bad so I quickly rushed and found the antidote. I couldn't live with myself if I killed my best friend. I just couldn't.
  Luke throws me off his back and I roll over on the ground. "Brock, I'm gonna try and be nice to you but if you keep acting this way. Those students are gonna slowly disappear. Now pick the right decision." He stands in front of me as I lay on the ground. He then puts his hand out for me and smiles. I cant believe i'm trusting him again, after everything he did. I grab his hand and he lifts me up. I grab his shirt and pull him closer to my face. "If you come even two feet near my students, you're gonna wish you never met me..." I let go of his shirt and stare at him. "Okay, jeez." 
  We begin walking to the house. I open the door and allow Luke to walk in. " I forgot which room's the best." Of course he would want the best room. "That would be the one Ryan's staying in and no, you cant have it." He rolls his eyes. "Whatever." He's starting to remind me of Craig and god knows we do NOT need another one of those. 
  "Well I guess welcome back, Luke."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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