chapter 6

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Kellins POV

Sunlight hits my eyes. "Ow!" I shriek. "What's wrong babe?" Vic asks. "The sun. Make it leave me alone." I whine. He laughs. "Ok..sun, leave my boyfriend alone."

"Vic it didn't work!" I pout. "Go get in the shower dickhead. "Are you joining me?" I ask with a wink. "Yup," he nods "In a minute, I just need to tell the sun off for not leaving you alone." I giggle and walk into the bathroom. Before I close the door I look back into our room and see Vic having a conversation with the window.


"Hey Vic, are you feeling?" I ask timidly. He sits on the bed looking at his hands. "I never loved him. I never did because I never stopped loving you." He whispers. I cross the room and crouch in front of him. With one finger I lift his chin to make him look me in the eyes.

His eyes dart everywhere so I poke his face until he looks at me. "I never stopped loving you either." We both forget about his dead boyfriend and get lost in each others kisses and moans. "I love you Vic" I mumble against his lips.

"I love you too Kells."

"Ok so I think it knows it's been a bad star so it shouldn't annoy you when you leave." Vic announces, walking into the bathroom. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. "You closed the curtains didn't you." I say. "Just turn the shower on." He replys.

Kays POV

"Andy make the sun leave me alone!" I groan. There's a small gap in the curtains and light is stabbing my eyes. "Does your head hurt?" Andy asks. I just look at him because if I nod it will just hurt more. "Just tell the sun to piss off." I bury back under the covers. "Ok." Andy closes the gap in the curtains. "Better?" He asks. "Better...snickers, you're not you when you're hungry." Andy just looks at me.

"Fuck off. My eyeballs hurt and your smile is too bright. Go check on Ash, he's probably curled up in a corner somewhere." I'm tired and hungover and confused and if Andy lifts his eyebrow one more fucking time clothes will be flying.

"Ok but when I come back I'll bring coffee and painkillers." He leaves, letting me try and sleep. My phone refuses to let me try. "What!" I snap into the phone.

S: good morning to you too

K: what the fuck do you want?

S: to finish what I started. You left before I could. That's not ok.

K: actually so do I. I should've tried harded in St James'. I didn't deserve the sponge room. I deserved to rip you apart and make you watch as you bled all over the floor but no, you got most of it on the wall.

S: yes, they did have to redecorate afterwards. I hope they weren't to harsh on you.

K: what do you care? You know what they did! You saw it! You probably asked them to do it.

S: so they used the pipe?

K: yes they used the fucking pipe.

S: so...when can we finish?

K: we? When I see you I'm gonna peel the skin from your face. I'm gonna stick my nails in your eyes and scratch them out. I'm gonna laugh when I hear your bones snap. And you deserve it. You deserve all the pain. Your precious sister didn't feel enough, she went out to quickly and your brother? Well he was just an idiot.

S: you speak about my family like that again and I'll make sure your precious 'BVB' have very unique Christmas decorations. They could be Halloween decorations but human insides are more of a Christmas thing, don't you think?

K: oh definitely

S: so we gonna finish this then?

K: when and where motherfucker?

S: 6pm. You know where

I hang up and throw my phone at the wall. It doesn't shatter or anything just kinda...flops to the floor. Fucks sake! I can't even break something right. "What's the pipe?" A voice asks. "It's something they used at St James' as a punishment. It's the worst one they had. Someone put you in a straight jacket and tied you to a chair while someone shoved a tube down your throat. They poured tequila and whiskey down it and someone sat opposite you and told you stories. Stories about your life. Stories that led you to the hospital and basically the worst things that happened to you. It takes torture to a whole different level."

"That's fucking bullshit." They say. "I know Jinxx worked. For me it worked. It brought out two personalities but it really didn't end well. I was stuck in the sponge room for three fucking months but they just left me alone. Hey how come you're still here? I thought you left yesterday." I say. "Well, Andy, Ash, CC and Jake are still here so...ya know." I grin and turn to face him. I guess. I should probably go downstairs."

I stand up and wobble a bit. "You ok?" I nod and wobble to the door. "Could you walk with me so I don't fall and die? My legs kinda went to sleep." I wince but Jinxx helps me downstairs.

Ash and Andy sit in the kitchen talking quietly. I know I'm in pain but this opportunity is too good to miss. Ash doesn't see me but Andy does. I put a finger to my lips and Andy looks back at Ashley to avoid suspicion. Creeping across the kitchen Ashley doesn't notice me. I stand behind him and give Jinxx and Andy I thumbs up.


"Kay I'm gonna fucking murder your ass!" Ashley shouts. "You gotta catch me first Ashes." I try to run but due to my hungover state I don't get very far. Ashley doesn't move that fast but Jinxx gets me first, holding me still so Ash AND Andy can tickle me.

"No fair! You're supposed to be on my side! Fuck you all." I whine. "no one said anything about sides you prawn" Jinxx says. This is not how I thought my day would go.


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Bye! Xox

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