Another Plan

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"Do you guys think that this would work?" Twilight said to her friends behind her.

"I don't know, Sunset hasn't talked to anyone since four days ago when we took her home." Rarity told Twilight.

"Maybe I should go​ and talk to her." Twilight said than started knocking on her door. "Sunset, can you open up the door for us please. It's okay if you say no."

"So, what she say?" Applejack asked.

"Sunset?" Twilight knocked again. "Are you in there?" Than suddenly the door just sprung open on its own.

"Okay, not what I suspected." Rainbow said than went inside.

"Sunset?" Twilight looked here and there but she wasn't anywhere. "Where is she?"

"I found a little note on her bed if you didn't know." Fluttershy said shyly.

"Hey everyone! There is a note on her bed!" Rainbow told everyone.

"I-um, said that." Flutter said shyly.

"What does it say?" Rarity tried looking at it.

"Here Twilight, it's in cursive." Rainbow handed the note to her.

"It says..." Twilight starts reading the note " Twilight, I know that you said I was the special one, but I'm not. Don't bother looking for me because I won't be the same. - Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh no! We need to go find her." Fluttershy shyly yelled.

"What was that Fluttershy?" Everyone said at once.

"I said-" Fluttershy continued "we need to find her! We can find that Starlight Glimmer, and make her find her for us!! Mawhahaha Cawhahahawaawhaaaa!!!!!!!!!" She then goes again.

"Okay, what will be the first place that she will go?" Rarity said thinking.

"I think I know a place! She would probably go in the other dimension!" Twilight finally thought.

"We have no time to lose now!" Rainbow said.

"Wait? Starlight or Sunset?" Flutter asked.

"Sunset, sorry sweetie, it's just... We can't just go looking for someone we hardly know. Well, Twilight does, not the point though." Rarity told Fluttershy.

"She can't be that far." Applejack said.

----Other world-----

"Starlight! Let me go!" Sunset Shimmer yelled up to Starlight Glimmer.

"Why should I? Besides, Twilight will figure out that I have you, then come... I will be prepared!" Starlight said to the girl in the cage.

"She won't come alone you know." Sunset said.

"No, but I won't either." She held up power and her army of ponies on her side.

Think of a plan Sunset, what would be her weakness for me and my friends to defeat her? Sunset thought to herself. 

"Tell princess Celestia and princess Luna that I will be meeting them in the castle's library, nothing else." Starlight gave one of her soldier a scroll.

"Sure thing Starlight." He replied back. 

"This plan would work out really wonderfully!" Starlight smiled evilly.

Sunset thought for a few seconds then finally thought of something. She used her horn to grab a tiny rock and throw it to the other corner to distract Starlight, which it did. She then grabbed another rock and push the disable button on her remote controller.

Starlight noticed quickly and turn away towards Sunset. "Don't let her get away!!!" She yelled at her minions.

"I don't think so!" Sunset stepped on the controller smashing it into peices, then runs to the path were no guards were.

"Get her! Now!" She yelled louder. After that, she went on to plan B, to take away her cutie mark. "Come her Sunset." She said to her.

"No! Woah..." Sunset then stopped running because of a dead end. "No.." she said to herself trying to find another way out.

"Your trapped Sunset Shimmer, you have no way out, and I have a little surprise for you." Then Starlight's horn started to glow light blue.

Sunset knew what she was doing and try avoiding her beams of energy by jumping from left to right. She eventually hit her with her magic and Sunset struggled. "Starlight! You don't have to do this!" Sunset tried yelling to her.

"Why should I listen to you? You took my friends, and blamed me for things I didn't do. And you want me to release you?" Starlight said in return still taking away her cutie mark, but this time it was different... It also sucked up all the "good" personality out of ponies.

"Say goodbye to Sunset, Sunset!" Starlight finally took the last of it then dropped her. 

"What have you done?" Sunset said barely speaking.

" Goodnight." 

Then Sunset suddenly fell asleep.

**Author Note: Sorry I haven't been upgrading this story lately, I was trying to finish my other stories first, but i decided to upgrade this story along. Thank you for your time and likes followers!**

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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