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Second chances are rare. Not everyone can trust enough to give them, and not everyone is smart enough to take them.

Sometimes people who don't deserve them have one dropped into their lap, while those who crave one sit in silence.

What if someone, somewhere was watching out for those who really need one, for those who deserve one, for those with nothing left. What if?


Tara Mulligan's hands plunged into the soapy water beneath, her fingers immediately engulfed by the cascading icebergs of bubbles. Her vision of the sharp knives and pointed forks lurking below was clouded, as was her awareness of what fatal events lay but minutes away.   

A few metres back, hovering beside the sofa, Tara watched herself in awe. Such a mundane task of washing up became a wondrous event, just for those few seconds. It was life; pure and simple life. They do say that a near-death experience makes you appreciate the little things, even gives you a whole new outlook on life. Well, Tara now knew exactly what that meant as she gazed upon her past self.

For this was the night that Tara died.

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