Second Chance

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Tara's eyes opened once more, with blinding white light flooding her very existence. It flowed through her body, intertwined with her muscles, and took control of her very bones. Once the light cleared, Tara's body was rising through the air as she stared down upon her own lifeless corpse.

A pool of blood had now framed her body, flowing into the cracks between the wooden floorboards as it trickled around the entire room.

Her eyes were wide open, but dead, of that there was no question. Any trace of life had flooded out that gaping wound, leaving behind only an empty vessel.

She couldn't help but think about her boyfriend. He would surely arrive any minute now to find the love of his life dead, sprawled across the floor. Of all the happy memories, she would leave a legacy of hurt and pain.

Tara had little time to dwell further on this thought as her body began to rise once more, through the ceiling, above the apartment block, rising faster and faster. The world whirred past her as she sped through the air, the people, cars and buildings soon becoming mere dots as she crashed through the clouds.

Then there was nothing. The world was replaced by light, pure white light.

"Hello Tara," a mysterious ethereal voice spoke softly.

Tara turned to face her host, her mind flooded with confusion and anxiety, "Hello? W-where am I?"

"You are nowhere," the voice continued.

A small, almost spherical, cloud floated down gracefully, stopping just in front of Tara's face.

"What do you mean n-nowhere? I have to be somewhere!" Tara stammered.

"You are between reality and...what comes after. You are nowhere."

"Then why am I here? Am I...dead?"

"Death is a fate set in stone, yours is still to be decided."

Tara was more confused than ever, "What does that mean?"

"Your life was stolen from you, your death was not by design."

"So what?" Tara scoffed. "That happens every single day."

"And every single day those who have lost are given a second chance," the cloud explained.

"What do you mean a second chance?"

"If you wish, you will be sent back to live your time again. You will appear in spirit form five minutes before your death, the rest is up to you."

"Spirit form? So, like a ghost?"


"But, I won't be able to touch anything, how can I stop him without being able to touch him?" Tara asked.

"You will take the form of a spirit, but a spirit can always bond with a physical body, as long as the body is willing."

"So, I have to convince my former self to let my current self join bodies, making one future self? This is fucking crazy! What if I fail?"

"Then you shall embrace death, just as everyone else does."

"Then what? Does this mean there is an afterlife?

"What's beyond is unclear."

"What the hell does that mean?" Tara demanded.

"What's beyond is unclear."

Tara grumbled under her breath before finally exclaiming, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Then you shall commence your second chance. Good luck."

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