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It's about 7:00 pm your cooking dinner for you and six, well more like heating up frozen pizza, six is waiting at the table when you bring the pizza and gives her half of it while you take half "six, we... need to talk" you say she looks at you "ok is something wrong?" She asks, you pull up your pant leg, exposing your scar from your dream and her expression changes from relaxed to worryed "what happened?" She asks you worryed, you tell her about your dream and she just stares at you and hugs you tightly and you hug back "look I should of told you earlier, the night on the storm I saw well the maw" she just stars at you "no... nonononononono" she mubbles, dark mist from around you to, her power is acting up, you kiss her to calm her down, the mist dissapers "it's my mother....I just know it..." She wispers

little nightmares: new life (six x reader)Where stories live. Discover now