03. Beetle Blades & The Changing.

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Disclaimer: James Dashner could I please let me burrow Newt FOR LIKE EVER!? Chloe is my only jem for now!

A/N: I'd like to thank you all my readers.. You guys are the one's who inspire me to want write more. =)  Check out @Alltimedoctor fanfic about Newt it's called Newt's Revival. It's amazballz. <3

I hope you like-like this Chapter!

Chapter Three


Chloe what a pretty name. She is quite fetching.

Newt focus I scold my myself. How could I bloody do that. There are fifty boys in the Glade, she's only one girl. Chloe is like a shiny new toy to us boys. Seems like her and Tommy are bonding. Good That! Chuck'll help em both out, he may be a wee chunky little shank; but he's a nice sap at that.

As I entered the homestead.. Alby is waiting at the top of the staircase. Like he's been waiting for me to come or something. I'll say it again.. bloody med-jacks, you leave them alone with Ben for ten shucking minutes. He wigs out and they can't handle him.

I could under stand why, the poor shank is going through the Changing. Let me tell you. It's not a bloody pretty  picture.



Now off  to look for Chuckie... we go. If I had any money to bet. I'd say that chubby little boy, who looks to be about twelve or thirteen is Chuckie. He just looks like a Chuckie to me. And of course Thomas and myself did some exploring along the way.

Observing the place Alby called the Glade. The ground of the courtyard made of stone blocks with grass and weeds poking out from the seems. Then the odd looking wooden building; we'd heard the screams of that poor boy, placed on one of the corners of the square, coloured gray stone. Dozens of trees surrounding it; their roots like hands clawing the floor for a bite it eat. In a different corner of the compound, holding gardens see crops of corn, tomato plants and fruit trees.

Crossed the courtyard stood wooden pens that held sheep, pigs, and cows. And in the final corner a huge grove of trees; the closest ones looked all mangled and close to death.

Kind of reminds me of the dark forest from Harry Potter.

Ending up back where we we're, under the tree. Thomas had taken it upon himself to lounge under the same tree. He's wasting valuable exploring time. Plus. We still have yet to find Chuck. Making a running start; I plopped on top of him.

"Jeez .. Chlo, what the hell was that for?!" Thomas yelped in surprise.

"Get your lazy butt up. Did you forget about finding Chuck?!?!"

Thomas replied. "No, of course not. I was just thinking."

Before I could come up with a witty remark, a clicking noise came from the branches above us, causing Thomas and I to look up; a flash of shiny metallic and crimson, catching our eyes before vanishing around the other side of the trunk. Thomas jumped to his feet, taking my hand, we both walked around the tree. He then let go of my hand.

Nothing. I know we didn't just imagine it?! That robotic thing must be playing hide and seek with our imaginations. I know we'd both heard it too. Only nude branches, equivalent to bony fingers of a skeleton.. looking more vibrant and alive.

"We call them beetle blades." a energetic voice stated.

Both of us turned to our right, seeing the adorable pudgy kid from earlier; staring at us. His fluffy brown hair hanging in his eyes. His blue orbs shining through those chubby cheeks of his.

The Maze. &gt;&gt; Newt [b.01] (Editing Minor Mistakes.) On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now