Goodbye Guys

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My brother just received the letter of principle discretion and.... he didn't get in.

My dad says we have to move to the suburbs and I don't want to but what can I do!

Yeah Jason is heartbroken and me I'm sad! I won't to see my friends again! I'll have to move to a new school! Make new friends!

I've worked so hard to get into Group 9 (advanced classes) and now I have to give it up!

I won't get to graduate from my school and with my friends. I'll have to leave everything that I love.

The house where I grew up and the school that I wanted to graduate from, I won't.

I'm going to delete this account when I move to the suburbs, because it's just gonna make me sad remembering my friends my home my school my crazy classmates.

Yeah so when this account doesn't exist you know I moved.

But I love you guys! I might not be able to finish all my stories but I will finish some.

The worst part is that I'm not going to be able to gossip about The Blood Of Olympus with my friends!

Everyday that passes my life is disappearing, at school when I'm with my friends i won't have that anymore.

(Just to let you guys know I will finish It Never Happened!)

I don't know is this is goodbye yet, but if it will be in a couple of months then.... I love you guys!

Never give up



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