Day 2 of 7: Complicated

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Frisk woke up in a pool of sweat. The nightmares scared him. He felt evil, unclean, like he was covered in dust. He sighed. Maybe Sans would have to deliver on his promise. He didn't know why he kept on going. He had no hope, determination, nothing. He felt like an empty shell. He just couldn't go on. But he was. Frisk sat awake for a long time, wondering why he had made everything so complicated.

Everyone was eating breakfast, and Alphys had convinced them all to watch Monster Morning. Grillby was being interviewed about how his new pub was going. "Well, you see," his voice was coming out of the TV speakers, "there's been a lot of people who come in, and shout insults at me. I've had to get security just to keep me and many of my customers safe. It costs a lot of money, but there have been some very generous tips from some amazing humans" "So, What do you have to say to those that have been causing disruption?" "Well, I just want to make a living, just like anyone else. If you don't like me, don't come to my pub" The Chat Show was very serious, and Metaton was unusually reserved. The subject was so important. The show ended with Metaton giving Grillby some money he'd raised with the help of Muffet bakery.

Undyne was enjoying training. Charlie was a nice guy, who had given her a list of films that were great. She thought Star Wars sounded great. The other trainees were nervous around her, but she didn't mind. She had a friend there, and that made it a lot easier to deal with Officer Jenkins. Jenkins was, frankly, a bit of a jerk. He ran the course, so he was unavoidable. He seemed to think that monsters should "go back to there own country", not realising that humans had kicked them out of their homes and trapped them underground. He also didn't like humans or monsters with dark skin. It seemed illogical to Undyne, and she kept trying to reason she'd misunderstood him, but if she had this strong an impression on her second day then he really was nasty. It was combat training, and Jenkins was being cocky. "So, Undyne, you think your so tough because your a monster," Jenkins snarled, "well, I bet I could take you on!" Jenkins was being so openly hostile it was comical, like he was some plot device in a book. Undyne grimaced. She did not like this. Suddenly Jenkins lunged at her. Undyne didn't have enough time to use magic, so she jabbed with her elbow. It didn't have the same force it would have if Undyne had her armour, but it winded Jenkins. He crashed onto the mat they were on. Some of the other rookies cheered. Charlie was smiling. Undyne grinned like a smug, smug shark.

Red had been watching Frisk for the whole day, and he seemed so... peaceful. So kind, so sweet. But through that he saw fear. And sadness, and a resignation to life. Every hour Frisk would find some way to end it all. To kick the bucket. It was sad to watch this child, for crying out loud, so scared of themselves that they had to be able to kill themselves at a moments notice. Maybe he should extend his time limit to 2 weeks. But then nothing would happen, would it? He'd keep delaying until Chara came out and it would be to late. Red sighed. Why was everything so complicated.

Toriel and Asgore had got back together. It was unofficial but true. So they made it official. There was no wedding, no ceremony. They just acknowledged it. Asgore smiled when Toriel agreed that they were, indeed, a couple again. He had to leave for conferences, which left Toriel alone. So she baked butterscotch pie, and researched the multitude of snails on the surface.

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