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I know first love is the sweetest but without a doubt the first cut is the deepest.As I take deep lungs filling breaths to quench my need for air and calm my anxiety. Reminiscing is such an oxymoron as it makes my eyelids filled with tears and put a smile upon my face.

I remember the first time I laid my eyes on you..I swear I wasn't staring at the sun and it didn't feel any divergent. Beautiful in every way, the gray matter her greatest gift. The enchantment of her smile beamed alongside her brown eyes with her long loose silk hair flung around her neck fell carelessly behind, I found a dream.

A prepossessing maiden I seek to draw and paint with words that my mouth can't utter but my mind speaks forth. It is said there are two kind of women, those we write poems about and those we don't. Well, I was gorging about this gorgeous being but it is what I find in her mind, heart, soul and deep with that had my heart singing.

It isn't my mind that yields this affection, it is my heart that when mined, yields an overwhelming love that my minds explains justly, only for my mouth to fall short in elaboration. The good-bad news is she stole it, the bad-good news is she stole it all whole.. and the beauty of this first stab of love is, like sunset, exquisitely colorful.

Isn't it incredibly amazing? the difference between reading about something, seeing it in movies, pictures and experiencing it? A love more aww than awe? I wanted more than awe, I had more than merely awe, it was amazing but I wasn't fluent in affluent.I was catastrophically in love.

NOVELTYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora