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It all began in college. Hood over head, bag clutched on back, slowly I walked into the classroom, too shy to even look up and for the second I did, it was to spot an unoccupied seat and walk straight there. I took the bag off my bag and dazedly looked up.In those moments, something gripped my chest tightly. My mind was completely sobered. Did I even mention the person next to me? I couldn't even had a look sideways, my neck was stiffed up from the fear.I can't explain the feeling. It was was so foreign,intriguing. First time of a village boy in the city's college classroom filled with complete strangers.

Gradually I pulled myself together inorder to have a look at the classroom and my surrondings. i could hear whispers just next to me. As I turned to check. Our eyes met. That uncomfortable feeling was spreading over me all over again. I nervously smiled and turned away. Something kept telling me to look again but I was painfully shy.

I wouldn't know if it was the intensity of her eyes that was pulling me back or my curiousity that strived to have another look. Everytime somebody walked into the classroom there was a sudden silence mistaking the person as the lecturer and as the person proceeded to where there was an empty seat the students resumed with their doings. Amidst these silence chaos I turned my head to where she was and there she was with her smile was so full of life. An unexplained pressure arose from deep inside of me. Her smile was dazzlingly full, radiant even.Finally the pressure inside me broke free from its chains and released itself from my mouth and I smiled back and slowly with the smile on my face turned away. such a timeless freshness I thought and enough for a first day in college.

Her smile kept coursing through my veins, her daunting boldness with the creepy,crawly smile stuck in my mind.She was the one who didn't have many friends, two best friends but didn't mind. She had her books, and they kept her happy. Not long the first lecture was over and they hurriedly left the classroom. I remained behind cause I didn't know my way around so it was safe for me to remain and not walk into another lecture guilelessly. All these my mind processing her smile and how insanely attractive it found her. Withdrawing her attention from her two friends was a huge task that looked very unlikely but her ignoring every boy got my attention.

There is no more joyous sight than that of her,such a beauty that left my thoughts and I enjoy a beauty's beauty beautifully. Her beauty was a spell cast over me..which holds me completely in thrall.For me it was unmatched on this earth, her presence brightened my gloom and while others paled beside her I saw only her in a crowded class room. It was her long silky hair perfectly tied and her crystalline eyes hold emotions I couldn't bare. I thought my mind was playing with me only to realize my heart was working on it.

She was a city girl and I was a naive village boy from a very different backgrounds. She was chauffeured to school and back and the village lad had to catch a matatu. Our lives were immensely contrasting but hearts heeds not such differences. She would be breaking loose to be seen with somebody like me who belonged not to her race. It is terrifying to want what you shouldn't have.

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