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Abi climbed into the very back of the car without a word. I squeezed into the middle by Ashley and motioned for Jinxx to start driving.

"You can come sit up here with if you want Abi." I offered.

Ashley and I each held her hand to help her over the seats before I pulled her down on my lap. Abi hesitantly laid her head on my chest and let her eyes fall shut. I smoothed her hand down before securing my arms around her.

"Where are we going to?" Cc asked.

"The airport. We're flying out to Maine tonight." Jake explained.

My attention snapped to Abi when I heard her choke back a sob. Jake, who was sitting in the passengers seat, turned around to look at her before giving me a sad look.

"Shh." I hushed, resting my cheek on her head.

None of the guys seemed to know what to say because I was the only one that knew why she was upset. Abi really didn't have much in this town but she did have her brother. They had always been super close and I knew leaving him would be hard for her.

"We'll go back." I whispered to her. "I promise that you'll see him again."

"Why Maine?" She questioned.

"We have a cabin out there." I explained.

"Why are you guys running away?" Abi then said. "You guys gave an amazing life here. Your family is here. You wanted to start a band."

I shared a wary glance with Ashley and Cc. I didn't know how to explain to Abi what was going on. I couldn't tell her that I had put her in danger from the moment she left her room.

"We don't fit in in that town." Cc finally said. "We're always going to be outcasts. We want to go somewhere where we can actually make a difference."

I sighed in relief as Abi nodded her head at his words. She fell silent as we continued to drive to the airport.


I placed my carry on bag in the compartment above my head before taking a seat next to a sleeping Abi. I buckled her seatbelt and draped my jacket over her. She moved her head onto my shoulder as I did. 

"Are you awake?" I whispered.

"Mhm." She mumbled, opening her eyes to meet mine.

"Do you want to listen to music? You can use my phone." I offered.

"I'm okay." She shrugged. "We can just talk."

"About what happened back at the house." I nodded in understanding.

"Why did you kiss me?" She mumbled.

"Because I'm in love with you Abi. I have been," I confessed. "For a while now."

I saw a smile cross her lips before she grabbed my shirt collar and kissed me. I froze for a second before kissing her back, taking it as a sign that she felt the same way.

"Are we dating now?" Abi pulled back to ask.

"Is that what you want?" I questioned.


"Good because it's what I want too." I said, leaning in to kiss her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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