1: castle

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 Pete and Patrick emerge underneath the colorful lights of the neon city where The Rebellion had resided. Their fellow rebels screamed and cheered the names of the two leaders. But they didn't hear the cheering. Pete and Patrick were lost in their own world. Leaving the Neon City behind for the castle that daunted in the far distance. Tonight, they will win and become kings together.

Pete's fingers intertwined with Patrick's, which managed to comfort both boys. Patrick felt a small smile form on his lips.

"Are you ready?" Pete asked, calmly.

Patrick turned to his boyfriend who look at him like Patrick was his everything. They weren't scared a bit. The stupid king deserved to be overthrown.

"I am," Patrick mumbled, grabbing ahold of Pete's shirt.

They kissed underneath the neon lights for the last time and everyone cheered. Everything was perfect. Pete and Patrick were breathing, alive and in love. The Rebellion was finally able to defeat the king after years and years of preparation. The whole task didn't even feel like the main goal and point of The Rebellion. It simply felt like another one of Pete's training missions.

The Rebellion was so strong and the king was so weak. The king will probably hand over the crown to the boys and not fight when Pete and PAtrick bestow their swords through his guts.

The two boys couldn't resist smiling as they pulled away from one another.

"C'MON, BITCHES! LET'S GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!" Pete screamed, his clan cheered as loud as they could, raising their weapons high above their heads.

Especially, Brendon who was really drunk and probably shouldn't have been trusted with that huge gun that rested in his hands. Dallon and Ryan were smiling, hands wrapped around their drunk boyfriend.

Tyler, Jenna and Josh cheered nearby. Tyler, excited, kissed both his wife and best friend.

There was also Joe (obviously high), Andy (super ready to kick ass) and Elisa (who was screaming the loudest).

Everything was actually perfect. Any conflicts between any member of The Rebellion were resolved. Nothing mattered. Their hard work was paying off. Each scar and each drop of blood and each broken bone was finally paying off.

And Patrick doesn't recall the last time Pete smiled that widely. He kissed his cheek one last time before Pete yelled, 'RUN' announcing them to race.

The castle was ten miles away but the run couldn't have been any easier. This was nothing. Pete and Patrick's fingers were interlocked and it wasn't like any of them were going to let go any soon.

Patrick lived for the excited screaming all around him. He lived for the laughter that echoed off the night sky. He lived for Pete who held onto him. These people... they were his family. He loved them so, so much. And the best part of it all, was they loved him back.

For the whole ten miles, nobody talked to Pete or Patrick. They were the only ones racing in silence. And when the mystical but haunting forest of evergreens ended, The Rebellion paused to stare at the castle in awe. They've seen it a million times before... but now... this was going to be their turf. Soon.

"CHARGE!" Pete screamed.

Pete and Patrick let go of each other's hands and flung their swords out. Matching swords, made for soul mates.

The clan tore through the Gardens of Victoria. Brendon began to mess up the gardening as they raced through it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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