The Decition

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I understand I don't imagine them not wanting to come though. What do you mean? The blond, one he seems to really like you. Are you serious, we're just friends and I want to be nothing more. OK if you say so.*she nudges you* HEY! I mean who wouldn't like you. Well now that you mention it he got really jealous when I gave Caleb a kiss on the cheek after he asked. ARE YOU SERIOUS, HE'S MAJOR CRUSHING ON YOU, I think I have a ship that he wants to sail. So what about you Cadenza do you like anyone. I haven't met anyone my age no that I think about it.

      * Garroth calls your name*

What Garroth? What is taking you so long? Nothing just girl talk, and she wants to know if we can stay with them I said yes for me and Luna but I told her I can't speak for you and your brothers. Aphmau anywhere you go I'm going with you. REALLY! Of coarse I could never leave you. Thanks but what about your brothers. I speak for them they can never leave my sight.

*Cadenza comes towards them*

So have you asked them yes their coming. YES! I'm glad we're getting more people. Me to, said Laurence. Come on everybody I'll show you were camp is.

                One hour later

Wow you went pretty far to find supplies. We didn't go for supplies we went for Caleb. I would to Laurence if he were my brother. You seem like the type who would. Thanks? Shhhhh there's someone at our base.

    They tip toed silently towards the person. Stop what your doing, now. Please don't shoot me. I don't plan to, what are you looking for? Any type of supplies that can help. What's your name? I-its Travis, my friends Dante and Aaron are running low. Understandable. Bring them here I'll help as much as I can. OK I'll go get them. Wait how far away is it? Two to three blocks. I'll give you an hour to get them and come back don't be late.

What should happen next and will he be back comment down below what should happen and have a good day.

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