the love story

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A/N this is the continuation of the first chapter so I hope u like this one to.

Class ends and we start back down the stairs not talking, we get to our lockers and get out the green binder and note pad so we can go to math. We did not talk too much buring passing period but We did ocasionly look at each other. Wanting to say something but couldn't.

As we did look at each other we could see all the unspoken thing fill the void. /Time skip/ school ends and me at Jack start to walk home. We talk by testing afraid of talking to each other voice-to-vioce. I send Jack a text about what had happened on the stairs and he looks at me.
Jack"w-what about i-it"
He says stuttering
Mark"J-Jack i-i lov-"
I stop in the middle of what I was going to say. And I can feel warm liquid falling down my cheeks. I quickly wipe it off my face so Jack does not see it. I start to not talk for fear that I might cry in ground of him. I wish I could read his mind sometimes.
Jack" what where you going to say?"
Mark"nothing, never mind its nothing anyway..."

Mark looks down at the ground. We start to walk again and sort my after we get to my house, but we walk past it. Me and Jack walk to the half way point of where we live. Him and I only liv
E one house apart from each others.

We get to the half way point and part from one another back to our houses. I can hear Jack's feet stop walking so I turn and stop walking to. Were both turned to face each other, but not saying anything. Jack nods and smilies at me. I do the same sack to him then we leave each other again.

My eyes drop down to the ground again and I look sad walking into the house.
Mom" how was school today honey?"
Mark" fine"
I say trying to hold back the sound of my voice breaking.
I run up stairs too my room open the door close the door and lock it. I throw my bag down on the ground. I look out the window and can see Jack from his house looking out his window looking is my room. After I see that I close all the blinds and make my room as dark as I can. I mean on the wall near my bed and slid down it. Holding my head sobbing uncontrollably. Tears start to stream down my face and I let them.

I feel my face getting hot so I grab a pillow off my bed and screen in it, at that time I start to cry even harder. In my head I think to my self. "That screen sounded like a toddler." soon after that my mom comes up the stairs. She must of heard me sobbing and came to check on me.
Mom"are you ok sweet hart?"
Mark"yeah...I'm fine."
I say in the calmed way possible.
Mom"ok just making sure."
As soon as she gets down the stairs I start to sign again. Soon after that I get a text message and I don't feel like looking at it but after five minute I look at it. "It's jack" I say to myself I open it afraid of what it might say.
Jack" you want to got to the gas station with me... I have money I'll buy."
I start to text Him back
Mark" sure give me 10min and I'll be right over."
I hop into the shower and try to make my face not look like I was just crying. I get out of the shower. I look at the clock its 5:00pm.

I get dressed and start to head down stairs
Mark"mom I'm going out with Jack I'll be back latter."
Mom"Ok love you have a good Time."
I start to head out the door and leave. As I do I start to text jack
Mark" hey I'm on my way"
Jack must of seen it because as soon as I sent it he walks ou of his house.
Jack" I see you"
Jack walks my way and hugs me
Jack"you smell good."
He whispers in my ear, I shiver
We start to head to the gas station it's about a 10min walk so we decide to talk about random shit that happened today or in the past, it's mostly Jack talking tho. I'm just smiling nodding and laughing. He remembers story's better that I do. As where walking a have a blank a stir on my face and I'm not really talking that much. He and I stop walking and he grabs my face and stairs at my eyes.
Jack" you've been crying haven't you?"
Jack asks. I look away from him
Mark"n-no why do you ask that?"
Jack starts to get really close to my face and I start to turn red and can feel myself getting warm. It as if time has stopped an is standing still again. My breathing slows and hitches as
he kisses me and surprises me so I pick my hands up to the side of my face and then to his face. I put my right hand on his cheeks where his ears are and the other one on the back or his neck.  And I slowly close me eyes. Jack and I sit there for what seemed like forever just kissing. He finally pulls away and me not wanting to
As we pull away there is a string of saliva still connecting our mouths together.

Jack's eyes look seductive and he's looking right at me. I start to shudder. As I finally come back down to earth I realize something.
Mark" t- was my first kiss."
Jack sits their proud of what he has acoplished.
Jack" good that means you weren't tainted by any one else just... Me."
I stare at him for a while when he says that he's just smiling.
We start to walk to the story again. As we walk I think about what just happened. We get to the store and I find the cheapest candy bar I could find. Jack an I walk up to the cashier and Jack pays for every thing. As soon as we get far enough away from the stor and are in the dark of the rode Jack grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me in for a deep kiss. With every second of us kissing I feel myself getting weaker and with each passing moment I fell like I'm going to fall my legs are going weaker and weaker with very kiss. Jack starts to move down my neck and to the collar of my shirt.

He starts to play around with me and trys to find my sweet spot.
Eventually he finds it and I let out a loud moan telling him that's where I like it. I could feel a grin form on his lips As he leaves marks all over my neck. I grown for more "I wish he would stop teasing me"  I say in my mind. Jack paluses and goes back to attacking my face with his. After what seemed like 2 minets was actually like 45minuts. Him and I stop and keep walking back to our places. But be for we get there we walk by a park and Jack asks me.
Jack"do you want to go to the park?"
He asks pointing back with his thumb.
Mark"y-yeah why not."
Jack and I walk over to the park and I run to the swings. I love how high you can get on them it makes you feel like your invincible and your flying. Jack is behind me pushing me. When he did the first time he scared me and held me I thought he was going to pull me off the seat so I held on tight. But he did not d that he just held me and kissed me. When he pushes me I go really high the first time. I mean I know he's strong but same is he really strong. When I'm high enough he jumps onto a swing and starts to swing next to me. After a while it's late and the stars are out it's 9:00
Mark"I'm sorry I need to get go-" Jack interups me by kissing me suddenly
Jack "I know so do I. I just did not want to say it... Love you mark I'll see you in the morning beautiful."
I blush when he calls me beautiful. And we hold hands as we walk to our houses we get to his house and we part away from each other again saying our goodbyes and he goes into his house. I start to walk to my house a little ways down the street. Soon I get there and I walk into the house. I walk up too my room and find there is someone in there but i-i can't tell what it is or who, I don't recognize the body. I slowly walk into my room and close the door but it notices me I jump "what do I do????" I say in my mind

What happens next? Come back and read the next chapter to find out.

vampire BoyWhere stories live. Discover now