Intro ~ The Begging of The End

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A hand touched the bottom of the lake and then the murders began..
In our small town in northern West Virginia, it always been... Well, perfect, I guess, if not very normal. The Summer's are hot, winters cold. Seasonal Block parties are held, brunches, grill outs, PTA picnics. Neighbors greeted each other, even though if they didn't like each other. At least this is what I remember it as a kid, but one summer, that all changed. When the town went from being a safe heaven to a old land of mystery.

When the first one happened, I was fifteen and at the lake. By the lake I mean the large pond that was the only place to swim in town. It was a hot June day and my friend Tommy and I had been swimming all afternoon. When we finally got tired and decided to take a break.
"This has got to be the hottest day of summer yet." Tommy said, a lock of his straight wet black hair falling in his face.
"No joke, I'm feel like my skin is melting." I said picking up my towel.
"We should have invited Scarlett" he teased raising his eye brows and flashing a grin at me. I shook my head and continued to rap my self in my towel.
Only those close to me, which is basically Tommy, knows my crush on Scarlett Weaver. In my diffence she is the most gorgeous girl you will ever see. She has to the shoulders strawberry blond hair and lightly sun kissed skin. Her eyes are a captivating green that looked like a forest. Her laugh is like her personality soft, sweet and bubbly. She was a master piece.
Suddenly we heard voices from behind us.
"Oh, Hey guys" I heard a light voice from behind me. I looked up at Tommy who's gaze was just past me. I turned around to catch eyes with a forest green. Scarlett. I thought. She was standing in front of me.
"Sorry, We just came for a swim. We didnt really expect anybody to be here" It wasn't until she said we I realized she had 6 or 7 other girls behind her.
"But..." She looked back at her friends biting both her lips, "we can come back later if you guys want it to your selves." I quickly shock my head and looked down, suddenly I was very aware I was shirtless in front of the prettiest girl in school, and I think Tommy was having the same realization as me when we also threw on his t-shirts.
"No, no that's OK we where actually just leaving..." I drifted off when I saw a blue pick up truck coming towards us, hearing pounding, howling, and random goat screaming. The car not even stoped yet had guys pouring out of the truck.
Out of it came Jason Ressé, the "alpha" of the group. He was tall, had very dark brown hair, was fit and had a sharp jaw. Basicly what you'd expect a prep would look like.
"Hey babe." He said coming behind Scarlett grabbing her waist and then kissing her. I almost gagged.
He turned and looked me up and down.
"Sup ladies" and nodded his head. "Your not trying to hit up my girl, are you?" I looked at Tommy and then back to Jason. He put his arm on Scarlett and then licked the inside of his lip and smirked.
I was about to open my mouth to defend myself, but Scarlett did before I could.
"They were here first Jason, we were just talking." She defended. He looked at her and then at me.
"Yeah, okay. Well i think they were trying to start something. So why don't I make sure they know not to mess with my girl." He shot forward and grabbed me by my shirt. He raised his fist, he swung and I closed my eyes, it was the only thing I could react fast enough too. But his fist didn't touch my face, he pushed me hard. I feel back, he took a step forward and slapped me, he might as of just punched me, it hurt just as bad. He pushed me again and then I fell over and he kicked me while I was down. My vision was blurry but I could make out that Two guys were holding Tommy back and he was struggling.
One of the girls behind Scarlett screamed, "To the lake!!!" And all of the others screamed in exitment too and ran to the lake. Scarlett started running to me but two dude bros hooting and hollering picked her up and ran to the lake.
I looked up at Jason. He was staring at me. His eyes were full of anger, but, I don't think it was from his hatred for me. He glanced at the lake and then looked at his friends holding Tommy. They pushed him back and then walked to the lake were everybody had forgotten anything had even happened.
Tommy ran to me and helped me get up, he put my arm around his shoulder and we slowly began to limp through the woods. After five minutes of walking we made it to the road were Tommys rusty old yellow truck was parked. Tommy helped me into the passengers seat, he got in and started driving. Could it get much worse. That's the last thing I though before falling asleep. Little did I know that it could get worse, a lot worse.

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