Chapter 2 ~ The First Incident

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"At the, lake" Tommy barely said the last part.
What? Who? Is it some one I know? Why would someone do this?
A million different thoughts raced through my head. But out of all of them the one that stuck out the most was, who? It could be... oh no. Before I could question Any thing else. Tommy spoke.
"Benni" I looked at Tommy and he was now standing in the door way with eye brows raised.
"Let's go." He waved his hand to follow him.
"Why?" I looked at him worryingly.
"We have to know if it's true." Then he ran down the hallway. I went to grab my phone but it was dead, i left it on my night stand and ran after him. We got in his truck and he started it and we started back in the direction of the lake. My mind was racing I didn't know what was going on. Once we got there Tommy got out and ran through the woods. I was about twenty feet behind Tommy the whole time because of the bruise on my stomach. After all that running I was pretty winded. Tommy however, was still full of adrenaline. Once I caught my breath I took a minute and examined the scene. It was yearly in the morning the sunlight was diagonal coming through the trees, and the woods were still damp from the due.There were police SUV's and a ambulance a few feet a head of us. I wondered how they got there, there are no roads to the lake so they must of had to drive through the woods. Pass the vehicles, there were a number of police officers talking to the kids from yesterday. Some of them had blankets on them. Some Parents, still in there pajamas were standing by there kids. One girl was crying pretty hard, her dad had his arm around her and her mom held her hand while a officer took notes. I even saw Jason Reese with his dad the police chief. He didn't look happy, and Jason was looking down like a puppy dog. I've never seen him look so... powerless. Out of all the kids from yesterday there was one who wasn't there, Scarlett.
Just about then I realized Tommy was gone. I looked around and saw him running towards the ambulance. I followed him. I looked behind the ambulance at the lake and the paramedics were there with a stretcher. I ran in front of Tommy to get to the lake. But just then an arm went in front of me. I looked at who was connected to the arm. It was David, David was a deputy who went to school and is bestfriends with my older brother Gray. I know him pretty well, he always been like a second big brother.
"I don't think you want to go there budy." His words gave me chills, but I needed to see who.
"Come on Dav, I just want to see who." I said giving him the puppie dog eyes that worked when I was little.
"It's a girl from your grade," my heart stopped,"I'm not letting you see something that scaring."
"Is it..." I stoped knowing he would understand whom I meant. I swallowed hard.
"No she's over there" he pointed to the ambulance. I turned around to look in the ambulance, Scarlett was sitting on the back of the ambulance getting her foot rapped by a female paramedic.
"Her foot got cut earlier this morning on a piece of glass." I thought that her being ok would make me feel better, but curiosity still had me.
"Than who died?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.
"Died? No one died, there was a little trouble last night with the kids. They came to have a campout in the woods, someone brought alcohol and two girls got in a fight and one of then pushed the other off of the top of the water fall, she broke her leg on the way down." So that's why that girl was crying, see must of done it. Dave looked behind him and back at me. "Now I gotta go, but I'll see you tonight, your ma envited me for dinner." He patted me on the back and winked at Tommy and walked over to the other officers. I turned to Tommy.
"Than why did you say someone was murdered?" I asked quietly. Tommy had his eyebrows raised.
"I got a text from a blocked number that said that a girl was murdered at the lake." He said getting his phone out and showing me.
"Who would do that?" Tommy shrugged his shoulders.
"Hey guys" a light voice said. Tommy and I looked at where the voice was coming from. It was Allison, Scarlett's cousin. They looked a lot alike they had the same nose, jaw and strawberry blonde hair. The only difference was Allisons ice blue eyes and her hair was a longer and was curly at the bottom. "Did you guy's get the text too?" We looked at each other and then back at Allison. "Yeah everybody in the whole school got it." She pointed at the caution tape and there was a bunch of kids from our school standing at the tape. She pulled her phone out and showed us it on her phone only then did I realize the date of the message was 9/6.
"Wait why is it dated for September 6th? It's still July." Allison looked at it.
"That's three days after school starts." She said. "It's probably just this old phone."
"No it's on mine too." Tommy said looking at his. Allison huffed and rolled her eyes. "Were you here last night?" Tommy asked. Allison shook her head.
"No, I knew something bad would happen and that someone would probably bring alcohol. So I stayed home. I told Scarrlet to, and she agreed that she would only stay for the day and come back after dinner. But she got in an argument with Jason and broke up with him about him beating some one up, and he didn't take it well. So she was still here when Samantha fell." Allison said pointing at Scarlett who was now talking to David. She broke up with him. finally!!!
"So you know about the beating up thing, huh." I said rubbing the back of my neck. She looked at me and lowered her face in sympathy.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I always told Scarlett he was a jerk and didn't deserve her time. But she thought she could change him, I guess she was wrong." She said crossing her arms. Allison was also like Scarlett in the way that shes very different from the other preps, she nice and talks to everybody including the real weirdos. Everybody likes her.
"Bennett," I turned around and caught eyes with Scarlett. She reached up and rapped her arms around my waist, catching me of gaurd. I awkwardly patted her back. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. You didn't deserve that."
"Thank You, but your kind of giving me a second bruise." I said with a slight chuckle. She gasped and pulled back and said sorry. She tried to pick up crunches, that I hadn't realized were there, off the ground.
"Let me." Tommy said picking them up and giving them to her. She thanked him and waddled over to Aliison, they waved and walked back in the direction of the cars. I looked over at Tommy and he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I punched his arm.
"Dude your preteen dream just came true." I laughed.
"We should get back so my parents don't get worried about were we went." I said.
"Yeah your right let's go back to the whinie." That's our nickname for his truck. Since its the same color as whini the pooh and the seats are red.
We started walking back to the road when I looked at the kids behind the caution tape. I looked among the faces most of which I recodnized. Until I found a face with a girl that gave me an off feeling. She had wide jaw, she had dark freckles along her nose and cheeks. Her hair was brown and wavey pinned up to her shoulders. She looked worried with her eyebrows turned down and her mouth slightly open. Her hazel eyes meet mine, she closed her mouth and then turned around braking our stare. I wonder what that was all about.
"Yeah Benni?" Tommy said taking me from my daze.
"What?" I asked. Turning to him.
"You said my name." I hadnt even realized I said his name. I didn't think that what ever just happened was worth saying any thing.
"Yeah, can I get a piggy back ride?"

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