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Hey! Hope all of ya'll are doing great. So we are almost there! The forms will be closed on 15th of October'17 2:30 p.m IST ( INDIAN STD TIME)

I hope that all the contestants will play fair and co-operate. Wishing you all the luck. I'm sure you will be on your toes.
Wait for the update on your challenge!


1. The main motive behind giving you a challenge / theme is so that you make the most of it and do justice towards it.
How well you incorporate the given theme / challenge.
( Rated out of 10)

2. Well chalked out characters are the key to any good story. If you want the audience to seem interested in your story, they need to live your characters around who the story revolves.
Efforts to bring your characters to life through your writing.
( Rated out of 10)

3. Once the reader is in love with the characters he would love that the story revolving around them is captivating and makes the reader bound to it.
A well structured story line / plot that keeps the reader engaged.
( Rated out of 10)

4. A good story keeps it's audience hooked but a dramatic and exciting end to each chapter makes the reader involved in your story.
How well your cliffhanger got us involved in your story.
( Rated out of 10)

5. It's easy to plan but it's a task to chalk those ideas down and execute them to bring perfection to your work.
Your use of vocabulary, grammar, sentence structuring, style and visualization.
( Rated out of 2 each )

6. Title and Cover.
( Rated out of 10 )


1. It's very importanr that your poem makes use of the given theme/challenge. How well you incorporate the given theme / challenge.
( Rated out of 10)

2. The real essence to any poem is that it is able to create a scene in the mind of the reader.
The use of figurative language to create a broad sensory appeal.
( Rated out of 10)

3. It is not important to write a poem, but it is more important to be able to captivate your reader and keep your reader connected to your poem through the story and plot you create.
Efforts to capture a compelling story and evoke a connect with the reader.
( Rated out of 10)

4. It is not that difficult to determine if extra effort has been taken by a writer to coin unusual phrases, or to make unusual comparisons. A reader always expects something new either in the writers style, ideas or use of poetic devices.
Your originality, newer perspective and ideas.
( Rated out of 10)

5. It's easy to put your plans down but the real challenge is to structure and give it a form of its own with efficiency in technical aspects.
Your sentence structuring, consistency and vocabulary.
( Rated out of 4, 3 and 3 respectively ).

6. Title and Cover.
( Rated out of 10 )

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