Challenge #2

78 6 21


Participants in this genre, your themes are:

(i) Chapter 1 : Depression
(ii) Chapter 2 : Death
(iii) Chapter 3 : Euthanasia
(iv) Chapter 4 : Revenge
(v) Chapter 5 : Crime Scene

These 5 themes are your 5 chapters. The challenge is to interlink these themes with each other. The second chapter should be a continuation to the first and so on!

You can publish these 5 chapters on one of your existing book, as a continuation to your published chapters.

( OR )

You can create a new book and publish these 5 chapters. You could continue the book even after the awards come to an end. :)

The theme must be clearly depicted in these 5 chapters.

Once you are done, PM me your book to get it added to FA POETRY reading list before 30th of october 9:00 p.m IST (Indian standard time), failing which you will be eliminated!!

**Note : The disability to this challenge is that you cannot use the given theme name in the 5 chapters or it's title and do not cross 20 lines per poem.**

RULES:  Make sure you use the #frenzyawards on your book and the chapters must have a dedication to this account (Frenzygirl97).

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