Happy birthday, Reborn!

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A/N: This chapter is not related to the previous 2 chapters. Take place after the arcobaleno representative battle. Not that much about Reborn's birthday though.

Tsuna has woken up in a lot of ways- thanks to a certain sadistic devil that share the same room with him, but this is the first time he woke up with a large piece of post-it note stuck onto his face.

He removed the piece of note and read it. Written on the note was Reborn's elegant scrawling. 'Merge them.'

Tsuna smacked his own head. I knew that guy gonna explode sooner or later but today? On his birthday itself? Are you kidding me? People going to kill me for cancelling the party today. Tsuna groaned before reaching for his phone to call Gokudera.

"Sorry to disturb you this early, Hayato, but can you help telling everyone that today's party is cancelled? We are merging the two parties together this year."

"Alright, Juudaime. I'll get it done right away but what happened?"

"Reborn is missing. I think he finally 'explodes'. But, don't worry. I have a pretty good idea where he is right now."

Tsuna stared at the sky from his window. He knew he should have asked Irie or Spanner to double check the antidote that Verde created last month. The little scientist has managed to create pills that allow to them to grow to their adult size after a year of research, all the six ex-arcobaleno, including Verde himself doesn't know that it have a side-effect until two weeks ago.

All of them couldn't control their emotions and they became hyper sensitive to almost everything. Heck, Colonello was crying because he accidentally squashed a few ants. Tsuna shook his head. He didn't want to recall further what happened. It was an absolute nightmare.

Only Reborn was normal out of all the six arcobaleno that took the pill. Until yesterday that is.

Well, I better start going now if I want to be back here by tonight. Tsuna thought.


Reborn stared at the cottage in front of him. It has been years since he last visited this place. He entered the cottage and was amazed by how the cottage, where the arcobaleno used to live together before the curse, was still in a good condition despite no one taking care of it now.

A sudden wave of nostalgia washed over him as he walked passed each room. Damn, maybe, it's a wrong idea to come here.

But, this was probably one of the very few places that could calm himself down. After all, this was the very first place that he considered his home. This place held a lot of memories to him. And more importantly, this was the place where he spend the most time with Luce, the first person who see through the barrier that he put around himself and melted the ice that surrounded his heart.

(The ice kind of came back after he was cursed and Tsuna was the one who melted the ice this time ^^)

He stopped in front of the room that used to be his and let himself strolled down the memory lane as he opened the door.


It was their third mission this time but it was the first without Luce joined them. The mission was a success although they messed up along the way and came back with scratches and bruises all over them. Reborn came back with a deep gash on his right shoulder. And Luce was not happy about that.

All the six of them (including Colonello) except for Reborn got flicked on their forehead and given a silent treatment as she treated their wounds.

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