Ch.4- Same old town, Same old comet.

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WARNING! This chapter gets pretty depressing on Erin's part. I'm really trying to showcase her mental illness and her current mindset in this chapter. She really isn't in a good place mentally during season 1. I'll put a more detailed explanation of her mental illness at the end of the chapter but I'm sure some of you will probably guess what it is during your reading.

One more chapter till Damon and Erin officially meet!

I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who liked and followed my story, I was so nervous about writing this and I'm so glad you like it.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this chapter.


Jeremy had ditched Erin about five minutes into the epic search for Vicki, Leaving a very irritated Erin wandering around the Comet Festival looking for a supposedly drugged out girl. Who gets right out of the hospital and decides Yeah I'm gonna get high as a kite?? Stupid people that's who. Erin was starting to get real tired of dealing with stupid people, her patience was starting to reach its limit. Today was so not the day to fuck with her.

Apparently Damon Salvatore did not get this memo. Erin happened to stumbled upon Vicki when she followed the sounds of scuffling in to a nearby alley way. But was anyone in the alley way? No because that would be too easy .No they had to be on the roof right above said alley. Because that was so inconspicuous. Really was Damon trying to expose himself to the council?

Perhaps he was just stupid. Somehow dangling a screaming girl off the roof of a building while the whole vampire hating town was only a few feet away didn't scream intelligence to Erin.

She quietly backed towards the opening of the alley trying to get a better view of what was happening without exposing her presence to the squabbling vampires above. She could see the leather clad back of Damon Salvatore facing away from her, hands waving wildly as he tried to make his point to a apprehensive Stefan. She couldn't clearly hear what they were saying but every now and again she could hear Damon shouting and Vicki's hysterical sobbing. She saw Damon toss Vicki towards Stefan, exchanging a few more heated words before Damon disappeared from her sight and Vicki's sobbing ceased. Did he kill her? Stefan didn't seem to be reacting badly so she didn't think so. A few minutes later Vicki stumbled out of the building next to the alley clutching her neck in a daze. Erin quickly moved out of sight and watched long enough to make sure Vicki got to the Grill alright before she disappeared. Screw the damn festival, they could manage without her, she was going home.


Erin trudged up the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible. She had no desire for someone to hear her coming in and rope her into another conversation about feelings or something she couldn't care less about. As she passed Jeremy room she noticed that Jenna and Elena were inside ransacking his room. Seems like Privacy is dead in the Gilbert home. Shaking her head at them Erin continued on her way to her room. She just wanted to relax, alone, in her room. She had had quite enough of people today.

"- Erin's the same. She makes everything look so easy. Here Jeremy and I are, still struggling with what happened and she's acting like nothing ever happened." Sighed Elena to Jenna.

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