Ch.5 - Friday Night Bites pt.1

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OMG! I'm so sorry this took so long to put up but writing this chapter was like pulling fucking teeth. I had writer's block! I've been studying a lot for ANOTHER exam and there just hasn't been any room in my head for story building. Originally this chapter was supposed to cover the dinner and the whole football game plot but by the time I painfully finished writing this it was super long. So I apologize if this chapter is super sucky but I had to force it out for the sake of plot development and in hope of getting over my writers block.

Thanks for reading and Let me know what you think!



"Mmm! This tiramisu is fantastic! "

Damon licked his spoon suggestively not taking his eyes off Elena, who shifted uncomfortably and sent the fuming Stefan an awkward look. From the moment he arrived Damon had been flirting with her. It wasn't even subtle flirting either. But for some reason Caroline didn't seem to mind. Maybe Damon was just a flirtatious person by nature? Caroline was a jealous sort of girl and there was no way she'd be able to sit by calmly while her boyfriend hit on another girl. Maybe if she wasn't getting upset then this was normal for Damon and his flirting was harmless? Either way it made Elena feel uneasy, especially with how tense Stefan had been since Damon's arrival. He was practically vibrating with anger and there was a tense atmosphere around the brothers that refused to disappear as the night went on.

"You're a wonderful cook, Elena. I haven't had tiramisu this good in a long time."

Elena started to correct Damon, but Caroline burst into jeering laughter.

"Elena? Cook? As if! She can even boil water without burning it." She scoffed. "I bet Erin made it, Right Bonnie?"

Bonnie had been quietly sitting on the sidelines watching the evening slowly turn into a train wreck and hoped that it would end soon. She didn't like Damon, he seemed arrogant and a touch rude. It didn't help that he brought out the worst in Caroline, who'd been nothing but condescending and insensitive. To be frank she was being a bitch and a bigger one than she normally was.

" um..Yeah, Erin cooked but we all helped." She said grimaced, sending Elena a apologetic look. It was like Caroline was purposely trying to embarrass Elena in front of Stefan. Damon perked up at the mention of Erin's name and the possibility that Stefan had another little friend he could torment.

"Erin? Who's that? Another friend of yours, Stef?"

Damon quirked his head at Stefan, silently mocking him like he'd been doing all night. He loved getting under Stefan's skin and watching him squirm. It warmed his undead heart. Stefan refused to answer, glaring at his brother as he seethed in silence at his brother's amusement. This wasn't a joke to him, he didn't want Damon anywhere near Elena and her friends, let alone her family. If Damon knew about Erin what would stop him from making her his next Caroline? Elena told him how fragile Erin was and Damon playing with her mind might be the thing that broke her completely. Damon wouldn't even care, he'd abuse her and leave a broken shell behind for Elena and him to clean up. He wouldn't allow that.

"Don't you think it's time to go Damon? It's getting late. " he asked stiffly, wanting nothing more than to drag his brother from the house.

Sensing Stefan wasn't going to answer him, Damon turned towards Caroline who was more than happy to blather on about her best friend. God, the blonde airhead never shut up and it was starting to grate on his nerves.

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