Chapter 17

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A/N: I am so sorry for the inconvenience that my book has brought upon you guys. I tried to edit it, but it just didn't turn out well. I apologize. I am extremely mad at myself because there are so many flaws and mistakes in this story. I might just delete it...


"Oh my gosh! Tell me you're not serious," Sam exclaims when I tell him that my mom is dating Trisha's dad. Sam shares my hate for that girl. She would always torment Sam, calling him gay and many other derogative names. I'm not entirely sure if he is or not, but it's still not okay to call him that.

"Yes! I almost exploded!"

"I could only imagine. Man, that sucks," he shakes his head.

"What sucks?" Misty asks coming in an siting down. There's no way I'm going to tell her about my mom, when I just met her.

Before I could make something up, Sam tells her the full story. He gives me with a worried glance, just realizing that I might've not wanted her to know. In return, I give him daggers. If looks could kill, I'D be a murderer.

"Woah. That must suck," Misty says.

"No kidding," I scoff and turn away from Sam to face forward.

I guess Sam realized I was annoyed, because he kept tapping my shoulder, trying to get my attention. At first, I just ignored him.

When the bell sounded, signifying another class change, Sam runs up next to me.

"Hey sorry about telling her. She just seems so nice."

"Whatever, Sam. Just remember that if she tells the whole school, I will make sure that you have a painful death," I threaten. Just as I finish my sentence, Misty walks up to us.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot, I'm her "tour guide" just in case she gets lost on the way to class.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. I'm not the one to spread secrets. Mya is the twin that can't keep her mouth shut," she giggles. I guess she heard Sam and I. I just nod and continue walking.

"Can you answer my question about Conner? You kind of just brushed me off yesterday," Sam trails.

Really, Sam? Why don't you tell her all my secrets, I think to myself.

"Who's Conner?" Misty asks, earning Sam a glare from me.

"Here. How about we all go to the mall after school today, and I will fill you both in?" I suggest. I usually hate going to the mall, but I do have to get something "sexy" to wear when I go to the club with Matt. Might as well bring people to give their opinion on the outfits that I select.

"Sure," They both say in unison.


Aaron drove me home today. He only does so when his football practice is canceled. The same goes for Matt. Whenever they have practice, I just walk home. Right now, there is a really bad thunderstorm with lightning crashing and thunder booming, causing their practice to be canceled. We had the usual small talk about how our days went all the way home.

By the time we arrived home, the rain was pouring. I literally had to prepare myself to sprint through the rain to get to my house. I shove the door open and quickly run upstairs to change. My plans with Sam and Misty remained solid, and I wasn't trying to go to the mall with my clothes soaked with rain water. I change into a new pair of jeans, a white One Direction t-shirt, and vans as fast as I can.

My hair was damp at this point, but I could care less. I walk across the hallway to my mother's room, tying my hair into a loose bun. Regardless of what I want to do, I still have to ask my mom for permission to go anywhere. If I don't, I will be as good as dead.

After I knock twice, my mother's voice carries through the door, telling me to come in.

"Can I go to the mall today with two of my friends? I know it's a weekday and I have school tomorrow, but I don't have any homework. I won't stay late either. I'll be on my best behavior, I promise," I start to beg, knowing that she will most likely say no.

Her cheeks rise as a smile forms on her face. What the hell? Why is she smiling like that? Is this a trick?

"Sure honey. Just be safe." Okay, this is freaky. Honey? She never calls me that. She hasn't been like this since Dad.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Of course sweetie. I'm better than I ever have been. Being with Dan has been amazing. He's shown me how uptight I've been lately," she explains. Wow, this Dan guy is really doing wonders on my mom. She actually looks happy. It feels nice to see her this way. Although I don't like his daughter, maybe he's not that bad?

"Okay. Love you," I say and give her a kiss on her cheek. That was way easier than I thought it would be.


"Ew, that's a terrible dress. Next!" Misty says, criticizing an orange dress that I picked out.

"Oh wow, thanks," I reply back sarcastically.

I've tried on four dresses so far, all of which Misty and Sam have rejected.

"Ugh! Fine then you pick out a dress," I huff, giving up.

"I got it," Misty tells Sam and walks off. The second she is out of view Sam starts spewing out questions about Conner.

"Did you like the kiss? Are you into him? Do you think he's into you? I would've thought that you and Matt would end up kissing; not you and Conner. Don't you hate guys like him?"

"Okay, first, Matt and I? Ew. No. He's like my brother," I tell him, but I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Matt and I? Is that really such a terrible idea? "Second," I continue, "I think I did like the kiss. I think I might like him too, but he couldn't like me. I'd just be one of his toys, and no, I don't like guys like him. I just can't control these things.

"Oh. My. Go-"

"Found it! It's perfect for the club and it will show off those curves of yours," Misty smiles, holding a red dress.

"What curves? Oh gosh!Is that even a dress? I'm going to look like a whore!" I scream after taking a glance at the dress, earning pointed looks from other customers in the store. This "dress" looks more like a shirt than an actual dress. It's skin tight with straps that would expose my shoulders and I highly doubt it's even close to finger-tip length.

"Isn't that the point?" Sam laughs.

Eventually, Misty persuades me to get the dress and a pair of red pumps to match. I tell her who Conner is to me, but not every detail to it. I don't want her to judge me and I don't even know if I can trust her completely yet.

"When do you want Mya and I to come by to do your make up?" Misty asks as the three of us walk out the mall. Confusion is plastered on my face. "I just want to help. Mya is really good at make-up and I can help with the finishing touches."

After listing to her plead her case, I give her my address and tell her to meet me an hour before Matt has to pick me up. Why not? I could use all of the help that I can get. If all goes well, Thursday will be a night to remember. I just hope Matt is just as anxious as I am.

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