Unintended Lie

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THE television was flicked on, Anthus in front of it, the light flashing new hues onto the surface of his face. He watched blankly as the chanel broadcasted yesterdays local news story.

The latest local news:
"Three people injured in an armed attack at Franklin High School, Friday the 16th. And are currently recovering at Franklin Hospital. Police are undergoing a search to find the offender.
Residents in the area of Northbrook, our Mayor advises your doors are locked during nights as a provision to your lives. There is concern that an attack of this sort is to happen again since the previous two. We want to be prepared and secure. This is --"
The t.v was cut of as Anthus walked over to his window, unlocked it and extended half of himself out,

When nothing came in sight but a dog which bounded past happily, Anthus leaned back inside dumping himself on the floor. He slumped onto his back, fixed the positioning of his hair and stared at the ceiling, contemplating.

The contemplative thoughts of Anthus Byers:

Every year people pass the anniversary of their future death.

Anthus processed his own concepts, not realizing that the following day would be another mark, finding the date of one of these unforgettable occasions. Death.

Pharaoh the cat slinked through the door capturing the attention of the boy with a charming bell on her neck. Anthus rolled over to give the give fluff ball a scratch.
"Pharaoh, girl, you want me now. While Zia is gone."
He gave the feline a scratch behind its ears. She had a face of disregard, yet Anthus new she was a loving cat. With affection deep under the fluff of its coat.
"She'll be back."
Without realizing, he had just told a straight lie to Elitzia's cat.

Pharaoh left without a thankyou or so much as a goodbye. So the rest of the afternoon in the Byers residents consisted of the completion of his weekend science homework, snacking, and starting - then finishing the poetry book for english class.

A day of pure boredom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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