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We're driving to London and meeting the lads at the hotel so we can get ready for tonight's show. We're sharing with our boyfriends as we miss them and why not 😂 I'm 31 weeks but I still feel he can come anytime now it's so scary as I'm afraid George won't be there when I do have him. We all went out together to explore London and taken some pictures especially Blake, his new photography Instagram
is amazing definitely go check it out @throughblakesview ;)
We went to the Themes where we got some good shots, it was us mostly walking around joking and having a great time like we used to before. It was getting later so we had to head back to get ready for the show, the lads got ready super quick as they needed to sound check so us girls got to together in one room to get ready. I curled my hair and put on a body Con dress which took guts because I don't feel right recently.
Once all ready we went and waited for the show to start, we were watching side stage for New Hope Club but for the Vamps we went into the crowd with their girlfriends. The lads were amazing and the best was medicine, wow it's just so perfect!! We had security take us to the other girls invade something happened but it's ok we got down safely.
We all jumped about (me kinda) to the music going wild as hey what else can you do, I had to stop as it hurt and made me need to pee 😂
The lads were finally finished but I needed to go outside for air as it's so cramped down here and I need to sit, I left the girl without them knowing as I wouldn't be long. Finally I made it outside and sat down, I had so much fun tonight I do really enjoy it and i couldn't do it with anyone better. As I got up someone ran around the corner and knocked me flying but carried on running, I landed on my bump and I knew instantly this isn't good and something is wrong......

Randomly just rn came up with this twit. Sorry 😂

his baby ; george smithWhere stories live. Discover now