That's not in the script - Tim x Brian Fanfic

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"Tell me again Brian, why are you friends with him?"

Brian looked over at Tim. They were currently walking back from the woods to Brian's car. Alex had ordered them to go away and practice their lines together while he, Seth and Sarah worked on the set. He had said he was sick of the two of them "goofing around like a pair of kids". In all honesty, Tim had been goofing around a lot today. And when he got like that, of course Brian couldn't resist joining in.

Brian shook his head. "I don't know what's up with him at the moment. He's usually a pretty fun guy."

"Really? I would say he's a complete douche."

"Come on, he's not that bad."

"The guy's a jerk, and he urgently needs someone to surgically remove that stick up his ass."

Brian chuckled quietly but didn't say anything. The five of them had arrived at the park earlier that afternoon to put together the set for the bonfire scene - the scene where Brian and Sarah's characters finally had a heart-to-heart conversation and confessed their feelings. Alex had spent most of the afternoon gathering firewood, setting up the cameras and ordering Seth around. Sarah had just hung around, texting a friend on her cell. So, to pass the time, he and Tim had had a fake lightsaber battle with branches (Brian provided the sound effects), a tree-climbing contest (Tim had won) and a re-enactment of several classic Monty Python sketches (Seth was amused. Alex most definitely was not.)

It was late afternoon now and would soon be getting dark. Once it was dark enough, they were going to light the bonfire and start shooting. Privately, Brian was a little worried about the idea of starting a fire in the middle of a wood, but none of the others seemed too concerned. Anyway, Alex had brought a fire extinguisher just to be safe. Brian also knew that the fire department weren't too far away if the worst happened and it got out of hand.

They reached the parking lot and went to sit in Brian's car - Brian at the wheel, Tim sitting shotgun. Tim pulled on the jacket that he had left there earlier. Brian had noticed he seemed to feel cold a lot lately. He wondered if Tim was getting sick.

"I guess we probably should rehearse". Brian said. He did feel kind of bad - Alex was his friend and he had obviously put a lot of time and effort into this project. It was just a shame he had turned into the worst kind of stereotypical control-freak director at the same time.

"I guess. Do you have the script?"

"Yeah. Wanna go over the car scene?"


Brian passed Tim the script, turning it to the right page. He also turned on the inside light so Tim could read it easily. Tim scanned the page a few moments before putting the script on the dashboard. "Okay. Go"

Brian sat back in his seat and began: "This town just doesn't feel the same to me anymore. I missed it so much when I was in college, but now that I'm back? I just feel like a depressed teenager all over again, stuck in a loop of unhappiness."

"Maybe you've grown up?" Tim responded.

"I don't know, maybe this town has grown up."

"Maybe it has."

Brian was going to continue but he noticed Tim was pulling a strange face. "What?"

Tim started laughing. "I'm sorry", he said, still chuckling, "but this script is fucking terrible. 'A loop of unhappiness?' Seriously?."

"Well, now you say it like that..." Brian was laughing too.

"I don't know how you can say it with a straight face."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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That's not in the script - Tim x Brian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now