the boy next door

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Ok so my friend told me to write a scary story for Halloween so i did here it is

Ugh today was school I hated school and it's not because that we have to do work or that the teachers are mean it's just because of him there's a boy that lives in next door he's so strange I never saw his parents maybe he lives alone poor kid. I picked up my book bag and went on the bus I sat in seat 4 like I always do.

~in the classroom~

Ugh I can't wait to get out of here even if we hadn't started working yet. Something strange was happening the boy next door came into our classroom idk why he just did the teacher told him to sit down at a desk he did he looked around the class room. Then the boy went into the center of the room and pulled out a gun I was so scared he told us that this was our last day we'll ever see unfortunately our schools windows are sound proff a girl screamed he told her to shut up but she wouldn't he shot her right in the head her lifeless body fell to the ground with blood dripping off her face down to the floor everone tried not to scream a boy hide under the desk and ran to the door somehow it was locked he tried it open it but it wouldn't open so the boy next door shot him in the  arm where his hand was on the door his whole hand was bleeding red the boy next door then shot him in the eye he dropped dead on the floor with blood dripping off his finger the boy next door started killing other kids until it was just me left he kissed my hand and said don't worry dear I'll let you live finnaly our teacher opened the door blood was everwhere on the Floor, on the walls, on my face. Out teacher screamed in fear. HAPPY HALLOWEEN

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