my boyfrind?!

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Well today IT HAPPEND AGAIN my friend keeps saying "so how's james?" And I HAD IT UP TO HERE so I said I burned him and then i started to laugh like a killer my friend just looked at me and said " was your kiss?" And I said I burned his lips  my guy friend said "faith" like he always does when I do something like this......then I laughed again like a killer ........I think I have a problem but when people ANNOYING ME I START TO GET CRAZY ......

Also I think my guy friend likes me because he always says to wait for me and I do. This one time we both had to go to this one room for test and he was already done so he waited for me until I was done with the test I told him why he waited for me and he said because he dosin't like being alone in the hallways I tried not to blush it was so cute......I kinda have a little crush on him...........I guess also here's a story my other guy friend that I use to be friends he dosin't talk to me anymore idk why anyways when we had our valentine dance in 7th grade I walked towards him to talk to him and he was just looked at me and ran .......idk what just happend so I did it again he did the same thing I also saw a little blush coming on his cheeks now I know I have a crush on him and when we were partners he whould always blush around me....he's so cute. That's all have a great day or night whatever you live bye also sub to the pals and Thehealthycow taco out 🌮


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