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Silence. Well, except the odd squeak here and there, perhaps even a drift of wind. Other than that,
The darkness swirled like one of those spiral eye trick, trippy things. You know what I'm saying right?
Matte black and, guess what?
Even the lack of colour held a stale silence.
I couldn't see my hand infront of me yet, off in the distance, I could just make out a faint purple hue coming from the other corner which I assume it was from the way the light bent across the grimy-looking walls.

'I bet this is all some stupid joke that...' My thoughts ended there. Who exactly was I thinking about? Who was I? Where was I from? Am I even alive right now? What are these questions!?

The sharp bite of a large rat knocked those thoughts out of my head. I held my bitten finger tight and close, kicking in the general direction of where I assumed the rat had been. The satisfying feeling of the little sewer-dweller being pushed away sharply by my foot and the unhappy squeak that followed was enough for me to almost not realise that my feet were bare. A quick feel over my body and I realised, nearly all of my clothes were gone.
More silence filled the room around me.
I would have begun screaming in outrage if it wasn't for the drowning silence and the pounding of my small, poor head. At least I had a few scrap pieces of cloth tied around my most private regions, not that I was happy at my lack of clothes in the first place.

I patted the area around me, searching for something to grab or even familiarise myself with. The silence was too thick and I need to grab something for comfort.
Rats, Rats, Rats, Empty silence and more Rats.
"Bloody helpful..." I muttered in disgust.

Shivering, I had only now realised just how cold the stale air around me really was. Bloody freezing! I sat mumbling curses no mother of mine would ever expect nor ever want to hear from my tiny, innocent mouth.
At least it cut like a blade through the lack of sound that suffocated me.

I decided to rise up from the unleveled floor, not that it would do much. I just needed to stretch my aching limbs. My small figure stood up fully, reaching my arms up to wake them only to pull them back down instantaneously.

If I had my eyes, or rather, light to see then I'm pretty sure I would have seen some gruesome colouring of goo or maybe saliva. All I could tell, I didn't like it.

"Ew ew eeeeew!" I cried, desperately trying to wipe whatever the substance was on the walls, trying to spare my body from it and the foul stench it added to the room. I stood on a few rats, muffled apologies along with a string of curses flew from by mouth like a butterfly being chased by a dog.

I managed to remove of the weird goo, jumping back into the centre of the room, refusing to stand up again.

Finally I decided to go check out the light purple hue of light streaming into the matte black room.
The air was so thick in here I was actually suprised I was still breathing and able to move.

I slid over to where I guessed the light came from, now hardly able to see it. I reached down and felt the walls. Only this time, there was a tiny gap between the floor and the wall. I pushed it, feeling the wall move just less than an inch.

'Bingo! A door! I'm freeeee!!'

I reached up to grasp the handle, only to find it wasn't there. I searched all over for the door handle just so I could leave. A few lengths of time later, my arm feeling dead tired, I sat down with a huff and just glared into the darkness.

Muffled, more colourful words escaped this time. If my mother had heard such foul language then I'd be off to the mad house for a year or two, and that's getting off lightly.

"Damn it! Let me out!" I yelled, now kicking the door hoping it'll break at some point. The material must have been strong wood or possibly concrete based on how my foot was hurting. With another loud huff, I lay down, staring up at the complete darkness of the room.

I could hear a drip coming from the other side of the room and it took me a few minutes of raging over the sound to realise what it was. I jumped up and questioned why there would be water in the room. I slowly moved over to it, still not sure if there was actually anthing in this dirty dungeon place.

Stood in the general vicinity of where I thought the drip was coming from and held out my hand. It took a moment but I finally found what I was looking for, and screamed.

It's not like I typically scream. I'm not your usual heroine I'll have you know! I just don't like it when you think it's water but turns out to be the goo from the ceiling. What's worse? I think it's alive!

I jumped back, shaking the thing from my hand, hearing a high pitch wail as it hit the wall. Don't ask me who it came from, at this moment I have no clue.

I leapt over to where I thought the door was, hoping that I was actually seeing the purple light in the corner of my eye. I started pounding on it, yelling for me to be freed.

Behind me I could hear footsteps and the sudden flood of purple light. I shut up and turned around, gasping at the sight. "B-Bloody... hell...".

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. I'll try and update as frequently as possible. I get sidetracked easily so I apologise if I take ages. Message me if you really want an update soon and I'm always interested in your ideas for the stories as I don't have a clear idea for this story yet.
Anyways, thanks for reading! :)


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