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She wouldn't stop so I banged on the glass as hard as I could and she suddenly stopped and stared at me, it felt like she knew someone was there and that someone was me.

I froze feeling like someone was controlling me, then I looked down towards the bottom the the glass wall and there was a sign saying "Do not bang on glass, if she notices and looks at you quickly jump out of her straight view, she won't be able to know if your still there".
Wow I was stupid enough not to notice that sign on a giant glass wall.

I tried to move myself, it was slightly working. On my next attempt to run it worked and I broke free from the grip.

I turned the tablet on again and added: banging hard on glass can grab attention of Nalani and she can control you if you are sensed by her.

I sat there and looked over my papers to see what I had to do, then I looked up at the glass wall and looked through, Nalani was acting weirdly. It's hard to explain how she's acting, but all I can say is she is acting weirdly.

An alarm went off on my tablet, it read "push button to give 'Experiment' food", ok first off it could've just told me to push the button, second what kind of note is this calling a living thing an 'Experiment'.
I was enraged banging on the walls and throwing my stuff around.

Why? Well why should something that's living not be able to have its own name and be called by it.

I turned to my right and she just sat there and stared forward like she heard me. Then she started crying, I felt like she heard me and she had felt the pain of this place.

I stood there head on the glass and hand above me and just closed my eyes and stood there. I looked up and she was staring at my hand print on the glass, but nothing happened she still just sat there, she was still crying though.

Even though I had just been there not even a full day it seemed that she was living in a nightmare she could not control.

I walked back away from the walk and calmed down still a little enraged by what they call her. I pushed the button and food came down, to be honest the room in there is so large it's hard to tell what they gave her.

I saw the chains extend and let her mover her arms forward. She didn't eat, but she raised her hands to her eyes and wiped her tears away. What was I thinking, this was not the dream job I wanted, it has just turned out to be a place of torture for any living thing.

I walked away and down the large and empty hall. As I walked down I saw another room, in it were two twins, all I saw them do was stare at each other and do nothing.
I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to do this, but I grabbed the tablet, luckily I gained access to the file, but when I opened it all it said was 'Twins' and below that it said 'Information: Unknown'. I looked inside and they still hadn't moved.

I kept walking and that hall was long and large enough that my footsteps created an echo that went down the hall. I couldn't even tell if I was below ground or not.

I was planning to take a break and eat lunch, but as I looked at the map there was no break room, so I walked back.

I walked by those twins again still they hadn't moved and then I made it to the place I was in. It felt like something had just left me and it felt like a hole as I stared into the glass and saw her sitting there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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