My girl.💖

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*you all eat and then go to the house*
Ethan: um I'm going to my friends house, um I'll be back
You: oh ok? Bye.
Ethan: bye
You: wonder why he didn't invite me

Ethan: I hope she doesn't think I'm actually ditching her for my friend and hangout with them
*you go to the park and see your friends already out taking  out the decoration for the marriage spot. You tell everyone to set up everything and light up the place.*
Ethan: perfect. I'm going to call Grayson to bring her here

Grayson: hey what's up?
Ethan: bring y/n, she's going to love it
Grayson: okay see you, hey y/n? Want to go to the park with Emma and me?
You: sure.
*you all drove to the park and Grayson put a blindfold on you*
You: Grayson? Emma? What's going on?
Emma: just keep your eyes shut
*Ethan sees Grayson slowly waking with you and he get ready for you to come, he cues the music.*
You: what's the music??
Emma: shh. Take of your blindfold
*you take it off and see a  side walk or pedals. You star crying and follow the pedals*
You: what is this?
*you say happy and then you start to here music the more you walk closer. That's when you see Ethan's smiling at you with his biggest smile. You love his smile you start crying everywhere and cover your mouth*
You: babe..
Ethan: y/n? We've only been together for 1 year, but if feel like we have a strong connection. I love you for your flaws, your humor, your everything. I don't just love you for looks. I love you way more than that.
You: Ethan...
Ethan: so I'm asking this one question, will you marry me?
You: babe, I love you to, I love you spend time with me and how you care for me and everything. So yes I will marry you
*Ethan and you smile and Ethan puts the ring on you and you both hug*
You: I love you
*you tuck your head on his shoulder*
Ethan: I'm happy your my girl
You: I'm happy that I'm your girl
Ethan: my girl, and my only girl..
*you both kiss and go to your house*

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