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My life isn't perfect, not one bit, I've been alive for centuries...since the 1500s to be exact , I've witnessed many things some that are unspeakable, I've had many, many obstacles but..I guess things are better now though I have flashbacks and triggers of my past, I'm not strong as I may appear to be an act... heh am I even worth calling an empress since I've been broken so many times, way more times than I can count but I managed to live...I cant die to be exact but that you will learn about once you see my past once you get a grip of how cruel the world is and how undeserving it is of human life but..its also beautiful life at its finest.. you learn lessons and decisions...I help tend to it despite me being an empress of the underworld I work with light and dark, goddesses and gods of the realms and levels of each part, my sister is the opposite of me she is a goddess of the heavens, well her lover is an Arc Angel, their names to be exact are Rin and Shy, they are very loving people forgiving and merciful unlike me I harbor  anger, bad tendencies, misfortune..revenge, I hate life as we know it I hate it so much its only shown me negatives and little..little positives, but..but you know those negatives only make you stronger and make you more open to things...its a balance between good and bad, positive and negative, forgiving and forgetting... forgiveness I find it useless and a waste of breath and time, its certainly not worth mine.

The past of the Demon EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now