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As I got older, things got worst, my looks improved greatly giving me unwanted attention from men and boys and well..hateful things from other women in the town they where all jealous of me, but they were just as decent as myself... I don't understand why they felt being spiteful towards me but I had to learn to ignore such ignorance. But this event was by far worse than the rude woman...

A few days after Messorems 10th birthday Tatnum was going out of town to France to perform his guitar with some of his friends who also played instruments, but he didn't want messorem to go due to all the incidents that have been happening in Italy which is not too far from France, she understood this, her father gave the servants Lorana and Leana who where twins the task to watch Messorem as well as a butler he hired, because he needed extra money,  Tatnum was being kind and hired him, the man came from Great Britain  his name was John Williams, he was 20 and an immigrant from Britain, he wanted to have more freedom so he asked some folk in Britain about nice quiet towns in Spain they where confused as to why he wanted to leave but, they told him about Sarine Libertad so he made the voyage  to Spain and traveled to the town. Messorem listened to what her father said and then hugged him and then he got into the carriage to go to the port to board the boat to France, she then went back inside and greeted her three caretakers for the next few days, and she introduced herself to John he smiled gentlemanly and took her hand and kissed it  ''At your service mistress Messorem'' he said kindly well the two maids giggled looking at him, Messorem smiled in reply, despite the fact men she didn't know scared her due to incidents that previously happened, she knew that she should be kind and well mannered like her mother always said to be. In the afternoon Messorem asked the maids if they could  braid her hair like theirs because she thought it looked pretty they agreed to do so, so they took her up to her room and she took a seat and Leana went to grab the small ribbons and hairpins as  Lorana had the brush brushing through Messorems hair, getting any tangles out after she brushed them all out she began wrapping the hair as her sister held the accessories as she placed the pins in her hair  until the braids were completed after an hour of the braiding. 

Johns POV  -this is what I found in his journal from when he was alive..- : I greeted my young mistress properly and introduced myself despite the fact the lass already knew my name from her father, she was a rather stunning..for her only being 10..shes perfectly built ..thin..has curves already..beautiful black locks..and I can't forget her hypnotic blue eyes and her caramel skin that looked so soft...I desire her, all of her...I will get her.  I stood outside of the loves room looking through the crack of the door watching her get her lovely locks braided by those bloody maids, who were gawking at me...I grinned as I watched every strain of her hair get lifted off her thin neck only showing more of her lovely facial structure...

Normal  POV:  Messorem  thanked the Maids for doing her hair then her stomach growled  and the maids giggled '' about time for lunch miss?''  they said in response and messorem nodded and got up going to her door opening it to john standing their he smiled charmingly ''mistress, I was just coming to check on you lasses to see if you needed anything'' ''well mister Williams I'm rather hungry could you make something?'' she said in response he smiled ''of course anything you fancy?''  she thought for a moment ''since you are from Britain, you could make something of your culture'' she said kindly his smile got wider ''finger sandwiches and tea?'' he asked and she nodded. Soon some time passed and Messorem was playing with her pets a few moments later John announced the food he made was done, so she went to the table and took her seat in the comfortable chair with velvet covering  stuffed with light feathers, and John placed a plate in front of her and a cup of tea and stood beside her chair, ''arent you going to eat anything?'' Messorem questioned he simply shook his head ''I ate apples earlier and I'm rather full''  ''bueno esta bien...'' she said in response as she started eating ''delicioso! this is great'' he grinned proudly ''well love I try'' she then looked at him questioningly ''love?'' he chuckled ''British term lass'' but little did Messorem know that when he spoke it, it meant far more to him than a simple term...

Soon time passed and the evening came and Messorem cleaned up for bed as she stepped out of her washroom she felt a gloved hand go around her mouth and she started panicking and thrashing around remembering what that man did to her a few years ago, soon she was pushed down onto her bed still thrashing around rapidly as she heard a chuckle from the man doing this to her ''it'd be best if you stop...i would hate for you to get hurt love...''  she then realized who it was, opening her eyes she saw John hovered over her  with one hand covering her mouth well the other kept her below him her pupils shrank in shock and she started trying to get out of his grip  he just grinned twistedly ''stop moving and don't make a sound or I cant guarantee your father will be safe once he comes back..understand, do as I say..''  she started crying her sobs silent and her thrashing stopped ''that's a good mistress..''  he said and he proceeded to lift her gown up, removing her under clothing then he unclothed himself showing a dagger strapped to the inside of his pants he saw her eyes on the dagger ''that's right..I'm armed so don't try anything rash got it...''  her eyes just teared up more, her sobs turning to hiccups..and he proceeded to do twisted things, very twisted things to her

T-this continued for months..of course, u-until h-he got c-caught

It was early morning and john..kept doing things to her and she couldn't get help, this man was a British assassin that's why he left Britain, he is in cahoots with mafias, he took on a false identity his name is actually Adrian Hayels, a wanted criminal for murder, molestation, abduction, trafficking of illegal items and many more crimes, Messorem she had to stay quiet and make excuse about her bruises and marks, and they believed that she was just accident prone, but Anders knew better than that, they kept appearing on her, new ones every day ever since they got a new butler. it was almost dusk and Anders was walking but was stopped by Messorems dog who started tugging at his pant leg ''down boy down'' he said multiple times but the dog kept urging him to go inside Messorems home , finally he followed the dog in opening the door with a spare key that they had in a potted plant and he followed Shy  until the dog stopped and looked up the staircase growling, so Anders went up the stairs and heard soft crying from Messorems room so he opened the door to find her being taken advantage the butler he suddenly then snapped pulling out the pocket knife in his pants pocket making the blade come out and running up to the man stabbing him in the shoulder making him fall ''YOU LITTLE BRAT''  John' yelled turning around hitting Anders across the face, making him stagger slightly but kept his composure and stance with a bloody pocket knife in hand, ''RUN MESSOREM AHORA!'' she threw on her gown and ran, Anders then launched at 'John' stabbing him in the neck, making him collapse on the floor bleeding out  and Tatnum came into the room with Messorem behind him crying and whimpering, '' What has happened-'' he then saw the butler on the ground bleeding out with no clothing on and Anders with blood on his white dress shirt and hands, looking very furious and his daughters undergarments in the corner of the room..he pieced together what happened ''DAMMIT'' he yelled ''IM SUCH A POOR FUCKING FATHER''  he then told messorem to go downstairs she nodded.  

A day later the mans journal was found filled with disturbing entries about girls, and even children like Messorem and it was found out he was an assassin from Britain on the run, Anders didn't get any charge on him because he saved her,  and Tatnum was more aware than ever of his surroundings he knew he had to protect his daughter at all cost.

Bueno esta bien: well okay 

Delicioso: Delicious

Ahora: now

-Sorry for any wrong translation I used translate-

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