Mor x Nehemia

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A/N: I warned you this would be weird, now buckle up because I am going to have a lot of fun with this one. 

Nehemia was done. Done with her parents talk of selling her for an alliance, done with the stares she got as she walked down her own city streets. Done with her world. She finishes the final wyrdmark. There must be some magic to her if her blood can work the wyrdmarks, but she never questions it. She doesn't care where this portal goes, as long as it's not here. She steps into the nee world.


Time slowed, and she materializes in an empty room with open windows. She hears the door open and enters a woman whose long copper and gold hair flows behind her. 

"Can I help you?" She asks. 

"Uh, hello, I'm not from here, I'll leave soon, I just needed to leave my world for a minute" Nehemiah stutters. 

The woman's perfect features stretch into a smile. "Trust me, I understand" The woman steps even closer. "What's your name?" She asks.

"Nehemia, you?" 

"Mor" "well Nehemiah, how long are you going to stay for?" Mor asks. 

"Not too long, but maybe just long enough" 

Mor smirks slightly and gestures towards her bed, "Sit" Nehemia cautiously sits on the bed and Mor joins her there. "So, explain what happened that lead you to take refuge here." 

So Nehemia did, she explained how her parents wanted her to marry a man in order to seal an alliance. The frustration she feels when no one will look at her like an equal. the instability she feels as the heir during such a war filled time. The distaste her people have towards her training to fight. Mor just listens, never judging and only interrupting to ask respectful questions. 

"So, thats it, thats why I left." Nehemiah sighs and Mor casually places her hand over Nehemia's. 

"If its any consultation, I think you should learn to fight" Mor says. Nehemia just smiles slightly. 

"Thank you." She says simply, turning her hand so she can grip Mor's. Mor blushes slightly, but squeezes Nehemia's fingers. Nehemia turns so her knees are facing Mor. "So whats your story?" She asks. 

And Mor explains most of her story, skipping over some of the details that she still couldn't face, her eyes trained on the floor the whole time. After she was done Nehemia spoke. 

"Thats awful, I'm so sorry!" 

Mor looks into Nehemia's eyes, Mor's Eyes now lined with tears. Mor leans in so they are now sharing a breath. She doesn't speak they just sit there, sharing each others air, until Nehemia can't handle it anymore, and kisses her. 

Her moth is soft, and warm and so inviting, she pulls back, the kiss too short for her liking, to find Mor staring at her, eyes shocked. Ashamed Nehemia goes to stand up, when Mor pulls her back down and kisses her harder, more passionately, until footsteps can be heard in the hall. 

"Shit" Mor whispers. "Thats got to be Cassian, and lord knows he can't keep his mouth shut, I'm sorry, but I think you have to go. 

"I'll have to paint the symbols in blood to get home, I'm sorry that you will have to clean that" Nehemia whispers. 

"It won't be a problem" Mor responds. Quickly as she can she makes a cut on the forearm and paints the countersign to get home. 

"Nehemia, remember me, please" Mor says. 

"Always" Nehemia says, and those are the last words spoken to each other. 


A few years later Mor is reading in her study when she hears the news, a princess of another world was killed. The princesses name, Nehemia. Mor wept for the girl she barely got the chance to know. 

Word count: 632

A/N: So yeah, that was fun to write, sorry it's so bad, i've never been good at writing the beginning of relationships. Please comment any suggestions for any other "Forbidden ship" kind of thing. 

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