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Most Commonly Asked Questions

1. Can we be judge and participant?
Yes. But cannot be in the same genre.
Why? Cos you can't judge your own book duh.

2. PARTICIPANT : What do we get if we win? You won't be getting money. That's for sure, I'm too broke for that. But you'll get recommendation, a winner title, sticker, cover, and your book will be in our HEAVENLY AWARD WINNERS reading list.
Other than that, you got reads and votes from our judges and this account.
(All chapters vote from this account; for judges it's up to them)

JUDGES: What about us? What do we get? Votes from the participants

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JUDGES: What about us? What do we get? Votes from the participants. Your book will be featured in this account under "THE HEAVENLY AWARD JUDGES WORKS". Other than that, no, you don't get paid. I'm too broke for that too so consider this as community service to help you get good karma or something.

3. Will the score be announced?
Yes. Along with some notes from the judges. Note can be a praise or a suggestion.

Other enquiries will be post here too so others will know and I don't have to answer the same/similar questions twice. Just write yours in comment. You'll be tagged once answered.

@CookiesnCream133 : Can I submit a book that I haven't published? Until when submission is open? Yes you can as long as it'll be available during judging period. For now, since it's the first day opening this award, so I have to say that we'll wait until we have enough participants and judges —10 judges since 2 of each genre; 10 books for each genre.

@CatIsMaBaby : No Spiritual? Sadly no. Because I believe Non Fiction And Spiritual are about people's experience and they're all too precious to be judged.

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