Chapter One: The Guardians

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Early morning was my favourite time to walk the castle battlements and under crofts, the cold air coming down from the Nartarn'lath Mountains so soothing after awakening from my sleep. The dawn had broken the horizon and now laced the grey clouded sky with golden rays of light and tints of orange hues.

I passed through the walkways around the keep's exterior, the guard walls only meters from where I finally came to a stop. I stood overlooking the gardens and their unbridled beauty. Verdant greens filled the courtyard below the archways, the many colours of flowers beginning to open breaching my senses as the new day broke the sky with its warming light.

I couldn't think of a better place to find the solace I needed, my title of "Princess of Aldegaad" often making me feel stifled, and for a girl of only seventeen winters that was a lot to endure.

I pulled the dark blue velvet folds of my hooded cloak further around my neck and shoulders, fighting the cold coming off the mountain winds. There were only really a few seasons in our home country of Aldegaad: clear skies, cloudy cold, torrential rain and deepest winter snow, summer heat a true rarity.

I let my eyes wander across the early morning light drenched walls and gardens, trying to lose myself from the nagging thoughts in my head.

Today my elder sister was to leave us, to depart with her husband, Prince Sten Brander, eldest son of the Balganian King, Einar. My heart ached at the thought of this goodbye that was swiftly approaching.

I wished Aislinn the best for her new life with her true love, but I felt cold tears for the emptiness that would come with her leaving. My sister and I had been together since I was born, and she was the one who had truly watched over me and guided me. Now with her leaving I felt like a ship with no compass, lost in a deep, dark fog.

Looking at my hands where they rested on the stone barrier of the walkway, I gathered my strength to face this challenge.

I have to be strong. I must show Aislinn that I am happy for her. After all, marrying Sten now means that she will one day be Queen of Balganis at his side when he becomes King.

A small laugh escaped my lips.

Truly, I don't envy her that.

"Princess Leander?" a voice broke me from my deep thoughts, drawing my steel blue eyes towards its owner.

My handmaiden, Cara, stood before me, her chestnut hair pulled back and hidden beneath a sheer veil, her grey eyes soft and clear.

"Yes Cara?" I asked softly.

"Your Highness," she said with a tiny bow of her head, "your mother asked me to find you. Your sister is to depart soon."

Without another word, I followed Cara from my place overlooking the gardens, my cloak and skirts flowing around me like purple, blue and gold mists drifting in deep clear water.

We left the north wing and passed through into the keep, making for the Great Hall. We made our way down the wide staircase, entering the hall, which was designed in stone walls with high ceilings of wood supported by mahogany columns.

I had always loved the dragon carvings in the columns, reminding me of the creature that Aldegaad was known for and of a time of High-Realm's darker past. Even our banners carried the Dragon, a golden winged form with a coiling tail, its head to its right, belching flame against a cobalt field.

I would love to see a Dragon one day. If only they weren't extinct.

We came to the main entry hall of the keep which led to the front courtyard. It was here that Cara left me and I made my way alone. As I walked down the stone steps from the keep I turned my attention to the gathering of figures before me. One group were dressed in the same blue cloaks with golden trims that I wore, the others in green with silver. They were surrounded by knights and soldiers wearing the two colours as well.

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