Chapter Two: A King's Proposition

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With the Guardians settled into their quarters in the castle's guest wing, rumours soon began to spread as to why they were visiting us. I can't even count the number of stories I heard in passing from guards and servants. They ranged from tales of conspiracy against my family to outrageous claims of monsters hiding in the towers.

I didn't believe any of them, of course, but I was just as curious about our visitors as anyone else in Arvon was. Despite all of my efforts, however, I couldn't get a moment to speak with the Guardians. Even my status as a princess didn't help me to achieve this desire.

My father and uncles had cloistered themselves away in Father's study with the Guardians to discuss their secret intentions. Aside from a few glancing encounters, I almost never even saw them.

My name day was fast approaching and I was finding it difficult to occupy myself. Finally, the monotony became so much that I had to do something. So, I went to the training rooms. When I arrived I found Mithras with a young squire I had sparred with before, a dark haired boy a little older than me named Baldric.

"I expected to see you today, Princess," the aging knight smiled knowingly as I entered, gesturing to an armour rack, then a weapons rack. "You'd best put on some armour and choose a sword. I think a sparring session is appropriate for both you and Baldric here."

I followed his instructions and took up my position in the training circle opposite Baldric, trying not to laugh at the squire's arrogance as he faced me.

Dressed in the simple training armour provided with my hair tied back, I readied myself, the chainmail rattling as I moved slowly with the sword held up in both hands. My blue eyes remained on the squire in front of me, his own gaze locked on me as he mirrored my movements.

Mithras leaned against the wall near the weapon racks watching us as we faced off with our swords raised at each other. He crossed his arms casually, his mail armour rattling over his sleeves, his dark eyes locked squarely on us. He seemed amused.

I watched my opponent carefully, trying to judge how he would move and how the next strike would come at me. After two hours I could see that Baldric was getting tired just as I was, but I had been trying to heighten my stamina in a fight for the last few months.

Suddenly, Baldric lunged, forcing me to block with my sword, the two blades clanging loudly. I ran my sword across his, thrusting him back then taking two swings to throw him off balance. He panicked at the second blow, but managed to block it regardless.

Again he attacked, the two swords clanging together as we moved against each other. I spun around, wielding my sword swiftly to block another strike before tripping and staggering, but I regained my footing in time to throw him back once more.

"Always be mindful of your footing," Mithras called to me.

I nodded, focusing, then attacked again, striking with three strong blows against the squire, who blocked them easily. He swung his sword and I just barely managed to catch it with my blade before being assaulted with a flurry of strikes.

I moved to attack with an underarm strike, Baldric slamming his sword towards the ground and knocking mine from my hand. The force pushed me to my knees and he easily pointed his sword at my throat.

Breathing heavily, I froze, my eyes locking with his, my heart racing in my chest from the effort, sweat beading my forehead despite the chill in the room.

Baldric smirked with arrogance, his eyes blazing, his every movement showing how highly he thought of himself. Even though I was at his mercy I was still amused by him and had to hold back my own smirk.

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