20 | taken | caraphernelia // larry

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[taken by zaynsopretty]

caraphernelia (n.); a broken-heart disease whenever someone leaves you but leaves all their things behind.

where louis breaks up with harry and leaves all his things behind, to leave harry to reminisce.

(could be vice versa)

so i was thinking that louis leaves harry without any explanation, like he's just gone one morning. that leaves harry to look for him for awhile, but when he doesn't find lou, he begins to stay in the house and just have flashbacks at any little thing of louis'.

louis could return at the end (you'd need to think of an explanation for the disappearance)

louis could have been murdered

louis could just not come back

louis could contact harry and tell him of his whereabouts (with a new boy?)

louis could be abducted (if you want a mystery type thing)

louis could have committed suicide


kate x

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