The exam

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"The only way John could pass the exam was to cheat"

He thought he didn't need to study for the exam. He never had before, but this time was different. There was stuff on there he didn't know. He's friends told him to study and pay attention to the teacher when he was talking, but he didn't listen to him. He should have. He didn't like cheating but there seemed to be no other choice. There was no-one right next to him though. He would have been caught easily. There was so much on there that he didn't know, he didn't know what to do. Time was ticking a way as he tried to figure out what to do, when the fire alarm when off. Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Everyone ran outside to find it was't actually a drill, and the school was on fire. He didn't have to worry about the test now that it would probably burn never to be seen again. But he had valuables he had left in the class room thinking the wold be fine because it was only a drill. He was wrong. 

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