Chapter 1

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  Lately, Sam had been doing all those 3am challenges and the rituals, but all in good fun.

He just wanted to do something creepy for his channel.

But now.. It has gone too far.

Noises all over the house, doors opening and closing, the others hearing talking or chanting, the dogs going crazy at nothing.

It was too much.

And now, it was getting to Sam.

Sam rolled over in his bed, it was about 9am. He had just woke up.

He went to sit up when he saw blood on his pillow.

"What the-" He touched his nose. It was bleeding, again.

He had been getting nose bleeds in his sleep every now and then, but this was the 3rd night in a row now.

He jumped up and walked to the bathroom to get something to clean up.

"Sam, is your nose bleeding again?" Colby asked hovering by the bathroom door.

"Um, ya." Sam said. Nervousness in his voice, "It's probably nothing though, I'll be fine."

Colby sighed, "okay man, whatever you say." He turned and went to walk down stairs.

Once Sam had cleaned up, he went down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey guys." He said walking over.

"Hey sam" Corey said.

"Hey." Elton said.

"Is Aaron still asleep?" Sam asked grabbing a bowl for cereal.

"Ya, he was up til like, 3am, as usual." Elton said.

Sam hummed in response.

After he got his cereal, he walked over to the tv where Colby was.

"You feeling okay?" Colby asked as hs played his game.

"Eh, kinda tired, also I do feel a little dizzy, but not much, so It is probably from then nose bleed." Sam took a bite.

"Ya, well tell us if you feel.. Off today, okay? The amounts of time you have had a nose bleed this week is not okay."

"Ya.. I know.."

Sam finished his cereal and joined Colby's game. Once they both finished playing it was about 11am.

Colby leaned back on the couch, stretching. "Alright well, I'm gonna go work on my video, gotta get it out by tomorrow."

"Ya, I'm gonna do the same." They both jumped up and walked over to the stairs.

"Oh ya I- holy shit. Sam, you nose is bleeding." Colby said when he turned around.

"What? Again?" Sam reached up and touched his nose. Sure enough, there was blood. "Dammit." He said. "I'm gonna go, clean this."

"Okay, you still feeling alright?"

"Ya. I'm fine." Sam said pinching his nose and walking towards the kitchen.

"Dude, it's bleeding again?" Elton said.

"Heh, ya.." Sam got some paper towels.

"Maybe you should get that checked out." Elton said, grabbing his laptop.

"No it's just a stupid nose bleed, I'll be fine."

"Ya, the 5th stupid nose bleed this week."

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