Chapter 5

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Sam walked along suicide bridge. Where he had been spending most of his time.

It had been a few hours since he saw anybody he knew. It was dark now. He had been avoiding everyone when he had control, especially Colby.

Something was wrong with him. He wasn't himself.

He wanted to do horrible things. He saw the look on Colby's face when he walked by. Fear. He knew he had done something, but he couldn't remember.

He only remembers being in Colby's room, being terrified.

But something convinced him to leave. Something convinced him to do these things.

And he can't fight back.

But he suddenly felt a rush of relief and fear wash over him. He had complete control right now.

He looked over the edge of the bridge, tears falling down his face.

"Why?" He asked into the nothing below. "Why are you doing this to me?"

He knew he wouldn't get an answer, but he asked anyway.

He turned around, facing the street. He sat down and pulled his phone out.

Corey: hey man, we need to talk, now.

Elton: hey bro, sorry if I did anything to piss you off the other day

Aaron: please answer, I know this isn't you

He cried a little harder seeing how concerned his friends were.

Colby: you're scaring me, please stop Sam. I know this isn't you, I don't want to lose you.

Sam cried more reading Colby's text.

He wanted this to stop. He needed this to stop.

He missed hanging out with his friends, he missed making videos. He had stopped.

Sam had stopped last week. No explanations. His fans tweeting him that they were worried. But he never replied.

Sam knew he had to text Colby. So he did.

Sam: listen, I don't know what's wrong with me, but if I ever do anything stupid know it isn't me.

Sam: I'm scared to lose you too Colby. I'm scared to lose myself

Sam shut his phone off hearing whispers next to him. He turned to see nothing.

He stood up and looked around, hearing voices all around him.

"No." He said to himself. "No please not again."

And he was out.


Aaron was sat in his room, editing a video. It helped him take his mind off things.

Buddy was running around the room, going crazy.

Aaron laughed, taking his headphones off and standing up to go play with Buddy outside.

He didn't mind that it was dark out. He needed to stop thinking about all this.. Paranormal stuff. He just wanted it to be him and buddy tonight.

He played with buddy, throwing the toy around and having a good time.

He smiled and laughed, he was in a good mood. He was happy.

He saw the living room light turn on and naturally turned to see who it was.

Colby sat on the couch, pulling himself into his hoodie and taking his phone out.

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