Meeting The Dobre Brothers

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 you were waiting for a photo shoot on the beach you were doing a bikini photo shoot

you like to go an hour early to the photo shoots because you like to walk around. I was already in the bikini i was going to wear for the photo shoot I was sitting down in the sand taking pictures. I heard some cars pull up i turn back and see these nice cars. I turned back around to finish taking my picture. I turned around again and saw 4 boys but only one stood out. The tall one with blond hair.dang he is so cute i mumbled to myself . They started dancing and doing flips i got up and approached the area they were in, i stayed silent. As soon as they stopped i clapped they look up.The tall one looked up and down then he stared in amaze,like a kid staring at an amusement park. He quickly said hi and he introduced himself. except is sounded like this: dobre.... it was cute. you kind of did the same sense you were talking to a cute boy. The other boys introduced themselves also Cyrus,Lucas,and Marcus. We kind of hung out for a while talking while siting on the nice sand.

Darius p.o.v: she is so pretty and she is a model oh my god she is perfect. Her smile,her personality already,her voice she is a dream

end p.o.v

that is the end of part 1 hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

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