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the two girls walked home together, every single day.
it was a short and simple walk; they'd often cut through some neighbors' yards (except mr. glen's, he wasn't someone you tried to test), and they passed through the park, then climbed up a gentle slope to reach a small backstreet that led them to their high school.
they both agreed that the park was their favorite part. no one except the locals knew about it; the occasional dog walker would sometimes stroll past, which lianna would always squeal about and stop the conversation to pet the dog, and sometimes people pursuing their new year's resolutions would puff their way through. they always disappeared around the third week of january, and the girls would chuckle about it, how they too had failed to follow through with their resolutions.
all year round, lianna and katrina would make their way through the park: once at 7:30 am on the way to school, and another time on the way back, depending on the clubs they had joined. it was something of a second nature; it had been engraved in their minds, and muscle memory would always lead them to each other, starting down the road that would lead them to the park.
muscle memory would always lead them to each other, because that's where they belonged.

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