14 2 5

katrina's eyes suddenly snap open.

the darkness outside of her window, which is open despite a chilly nighttime breeze, greets her; dead silence fills her ears, and she lifts her head from where it rests on her laptop keyboard to take in her surroundings.

the glow of her laptop screen is long gone, evidently, as she rubs her eyes and squints to make out the numbers on her fitbit.

3:19 am

sighing in exhaustion, katrina stretches her arms behind her head and cracks her knuckles, stiff from sleep, and turns her laptop on. she'd definitely been working on an essay a few hours before, and she knows she'd finished it and submitted it - so why is she still at her desk? and why is her head pounding?

the laptop comes to life and katrina hurriedly types in her password (liliandkat). the glare of the screen at full brightness sears itself into the backs of her eyelids, and she physically winces as the page she previously had opened loads. she's usually able to process this blinding light immediately when she wakes up this late - but today, there's something wrong. maybe something to do with this unbearable headache?

katrina's temples pulse in protest as she squints to make out the words on the screen.

12:48 am

micahroniandcheese: dude r u ok?

katchthesefists: uhh yeah. why?

micahroniandcheese: idk man i thought i just saw u down the street and u seemed not ok. were u on smthn or what

katchthesefists: what the shit m8 i was not down the street are you sure you're not high? idek you that well

micahroniandcheese: listen katrina its ok to fess up abt this. coke gets u high as shit and it looked like u were on coke

katchthesefists: okay look i really appreciate this. i really do it's nice to see that someone cares about my well being and all but i dont do drugs and i was not outside at 12 fucking am. besides i barely know you so i dont think i should have to open up to you

micahroniandcheese: yo calm ya tits im sry i was just worried. i was seeing mad shit nd i guess it wasnt u but whatever toodles my dude

katchthesefists: no i'm sorry. i shouldn't have lashed out like that. i've just been working on an essay and i was really stressed so i let it out on you. thanks for looking out for me even thougb we dont know each other :)

katchthesefists: *though

micahroniandcheese: awe what a sap. u just hmu if u ever feel stressed yeah?

katchthesefists: im sorry, do i sound like i wanna be fucking flirted with right now?

micahroniandcheese: look man, i wasnt tryna flirt but tbh i cant even blame u

katchthesefists: tf is that supposed to mean?

read 12:59 am

katchthesefists: ...

katchthesefists: hello?

micahroniandcheese: it must be hard being u, ur the type of girl who can only expect guys to throw themselves at her

micahroniandcheese: not even trying to be offensive but man, ive seen the looks guys give u and it must be so hard having to expect so little from them

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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