My Lifeline

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It was now three in the morning and here I was in the middle of nowhere in with my best friends from diaper days Nathan in the back of his old beaten down pick up truck.

He had "kidnapped" me from my dorm in the middle of my studying with my study group to share the best news in his life or so he calls it. Yet he hasn't share just what that new was.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked him after putting another Dorito chip in my mouth thank god for his little pit stop at a 7/11 or I'd be starving right now.

"Remember when I told you I was applying for that job in New York."

I gasped "Oh my gosh you got it!"

"Yeah I did!" I dropped the bag of chips.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I jumped in his arms. "I'm so Happy for you Nate."

"Thanks Shan. Can you imagine, just a year from now we're graduating college you'll go out into the world as a nurse and me as a Chef."

"Yeah, you in the big apple and me in Hot'lanta. We're finally making names for ourselves." He laid down, I did the same laying my head beside his.


"Yeah." He answered.

"What do you think of me?" I Asked looking up into the sky of stars

"What?" He asked confusingly.

"What do you think of me?" I was now leaning up on one arm looking down at him tucking my hair behind my ear I looked him in his eyes.

"I think you're amazing Shantis, kind hearted, honest loving you're my best friend." He smiled up at me I began moving my finger against his skin.

"What if I told you I saw you as more- more than just my best friend." I stopped my finger at his Nose, his eyes widened.

"Shan I- I don-" I sat straight up

"Don't worry about it I was just playing around." I got up and out of the back of the truck heading to the passenger side of the vehicle.

"Its getting late I need to get back to my study group. Chop chop let's get a move on." I finished by getting into in and shutting the door that was the last time we ever spoke of my moment of I'm not even sure what to call it, hope? Maybe.

The next year went by quick and the last time I saw Nate was graduation when we said our goodbyes.


Three Years Later.

Waking up to the sun shining in my face I groaned stretching seeing the time to finding my bed empty I decided it was time to get up.

Walking by the full body length mirror I caught myself looking over my curves as well as my thick thighs dressed in nothing but my matching black lace bra and panties i was proud of my body no more was the shy girl hoping for love I found it within myself.

Smelling food being cooked with my messy bed hair and all I headed downstairs to see just what was on the menu.

Passing the living room I went straight to the kitchen and there Derrick my lover, he stood my dark chocolate of a man with his dreads loose as he preparing some eggs I soundlessly walk up behind him putting my arms around his waist I took him scent in.

"Morning." I kissed his back.

"Morning love." Turning the stove off he turns to me.

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