Chapter 14- A Life Worth Saving

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Chapter 14 

Brenda's P.O.V

Alex and I were walking and then i started to remember what my mom was telling me before i ran off to catch up with Alex. I stopped , but i was still holding his hand i felt light tug then he stopped. We glanced at me and looked worried. 

"C'mon , don't we have to take the guardians to Casted hearts City ... town.... academy what ever it is" He said. I laughed and he noticed the tone in my voice. My voice would usually be really fainted and low volume when i get nervous or worried , sometimes even depressed. 

"When i was running after you , my mom told me i would live for ever, that the warriors live for ever" I said. I knew that he would live for ever no matter what , since he is part warlock. He gave me a hug. And rested his hand on the back of my head , while i rested my head on his chest. I started to cry a bit. I don't want to experience that feeling of getting to know someone and i would watch them die , right in front of the. 

"I know you'll live for ever but i can't stand watching people i love die for the rest of my life"I said. 

I heard something, something coming from the bushes. 

"You hear that ?" I whispered. 

"What?" Alex asked. 

I turned to my left to see the bushes moving. It couldn't have been the wind, it's a very hot day , there was no breeze at all. I walked over and took a deep breath and went around the bush. In the bush there was a man , in a bout his late 30s or early 40s. 

"Hi , i was just looking for the mansion ,i got lost" He said. 

"Oh well ok , you can walk with us back" i said whipping my tears. I looked up at him, he was pretty tall, maybe about an inch taller than Alex. I noticed his blue eyes. They weren't at all normal. They were glowing. 

"Brenda! step back"Alex demanded. I turned around to talk to Alex. But i shoudn't have trusted the man. 


I heard a gun shot. I turned around and noticed the man was smiling .I took the pocket knife from my pocket and stabbed the man in the stomach. I carefully placed him down to the ground. 

"BRENDA!"A voice yelled. 

I started to feel a bit dizzy. I felt a sharp pain on the right side of my hip. I layed my hand on the spot , and i felt liquid running down my body. I looked at my hands, and noticed my hand dripping blood.  

I got shot. 

I fell to the ground , but Alex was there to lighten my fall. He set me down against a tree and ripped parts of his shirt to bind my wounds. I felt the pressure against the bullet wound when he pressed the parts of his shirt on to it. My vision was starting to fade. My eyes were starting to tear up. 

He started brushing his fingers through my hair and started to whisper to me 

"Everything will be alright" He said louder then before. He held me in his arms and started to run thought the fields. With-in seconds we were in the village. He noticed how sick i was starting to get so he started to walk. 

The people of the village must have heard the gunshots, becauase everyone is standing out side of there house. 

Every single house he would walk by there would be a gasp. 

The pain grew stronger. Then i heard my Mom and Dad cal my name.  

Alex's P.O.V

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