Chapter 11 Danni

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I waited on the couch for Gregory to come back. It was the end of the week and I decided to use the six grand worth of the money in her room. I was still thinking about the encounter with Andy earlier. I was probably a bit to harsh on her but I have so much on my plate. I'm trying so hard to just let go but so just keep finding more and more things to hold onto. She kept trying to get into my business and I knew it was because she cared. But I just didn't want her a part of this. I don't want her to get worried about the people my mum associated with. First Gregory but who could be next? There was more than just Gregory. Did she owe the others money?

I heard the door open and stood, turning my attention to Gregory. His tattoos covered every inch of his skin.

"End of the week girly. Where's the cash?"

"Here, but I want to ask some questions,"

"I don't want to hang out with a little girl. Give me the money,"

"I will after you answer some questions," he started approaching me. I did my best to stand my ground, my knees wobbling under me.

"I'm not here to play games girly. You and I both know I could ruin your life in a matter of seconds. Hand over the cash, or else things will get messy like the first time we met," I felt the lump feel in my thrust. The first time we met was when he raped me.

"Another grand for each question answer," I negotiated. He laughed.

"You wouldn't have the money girly, stop bluffing,"

"I have 14 grand actually," he looked at me skeptically.

"Fine, but I can't guarantee I will know the answers," he mumbled, slumping down on the couch.

"How'd you meet my mum?"

"In the business,"

"What business?"

"It's a private and confidential company run by some Italian bastards,"

"So in the business you murder and kill people?"

"On request, or we kill people who bother us in our walking lives,"

"Were you involved when she killed my father?"


"Did you know Erica Gold?"

"Your lover?" He smirked.


"Yes I helped your mother kill her," I felt anger fill my veins.

"How did you kill her?" He laughed.

"You wouldn't want to know girly,"

"I'll give you all of the money if you tell me everything that happened to her," he smiled.

"Alright love, but don't tell me I didn't warn you," I crossed my arms over my chest and sat on the coffee table.

"So your mother had come to me and she was in shock. She was furious. She wanted to kill Erica the moment she threatened to call the police. She kept her cool though. She wanted to make her suffer. To make you see that you don't deserve anyone," I felt the tears well up.

"Can you even handle it girl?" He laughed.

"Finish the story," he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, the day of your dinner date when she dropped you off at home she was walking and I threw a bag over her head and knocked her out. We threw her into the car and took her to the very place where your mother died. Your fathers house,"

"That was my dad's house?"

"Yes, before your mother married that cheating fool he used to live there. It was where all of his flings happened," I didn't believe that my dad cheated but I didn't want to argue against him.

"Anyway your mum hung her by her arms and legs to the wall. She tortured her. She made sure to grave every inch of her skin with blood from her knife. I got in on it too," I knew exactly what he did. He raped her too.

"You see, she kept saying how much she loved you and how she wouldn't tell but your mother wasn't going to show mercy,"

"How long did you torture her?" I choked, not letting the tears fall.

"Only a day,"

"How'd she die?"

"Your mother strangled and beat her to death."

"Was she in pain?"

"Of course she was!" He laughed.

"Now give me the cash," I pulled the bag out and handed him the money. He quickly counted it and stood.

"I will leave you and that girl alone," he began to walk away.

"What about the others?" He stopped and sighed.

"I'll ask them to stop,"

"Thank you," he glanced at me.

"You know I did love your mother, that's why I handed her all the money and helped her in the business. I thought I'd win her heart," I watched as he left the house. He was in love with my mum? All the emotions had risen and there was only one person I wanted to go to.


I knocked on her door and waited for a reply. I heard footsteps coming and as soon as the door opened I ran into her arms. She was surprised at first but instantly held me in her arms. I instantly felt safe and secure.

"What happened?" She asked, holding me out.

"I don't want to talk about it," I felt the tears welling in my eyes. She looked sadly at me.

"Let's lie down," she held me in her arms and guided me towards her room.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you,"

"You were right Danni. I hurt you beyond repair and I need to get punished for it. I need to learn that it wasn't okay," I rested my head against her chest, hearing her heart beat crazily like mine.

"I shouldn't of yelled at you,"

"I understand Danni. I would've done the same. I know that you have a lot on your plate and I am here for you. I know I left for 6 months and I know that I fucked things up between us but I would do anything and everything I can to have you in my life," I looked up into her eyes. I could see the regret and hatred for herself in them.

"I want you too Andy,"

"Can I ask one thing?" I nodded.

"What stopped you from ending your life?" I kept my gaze with hers.


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