Cream, Steam and Fucking Dreams -By TehParsnip

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One day teh Roobey was teh using deh Creysant Roos but teh Croah came up too dah Roobey an slip dawwn hur pants and da Roobie ayt Drunkle Croahs fays.

Deh Drunkle Qroh was teh shuvin dah deek in Roobee an Roobee wus gaspin for aero as deh Drunkle fooked da boott and drunkled some whiskey. Dah drunkle was drunk and teh Ruuby was wispurin "mohre!" Intoo drunk drunks ear.

When day were le fuks, Wahees an Blooke kam in and tey see da fakin and dey wan sum dat thruhst so day do da fooks wit dems.


Eet wus dah mornin tyme an dah gurls were late fur skool but day deednt kare kus doi keep foocking.

Boot Proppresser Oshpen cum in dah woom an wus like, "Glindurh Gitgudwitch! Le fuks r huppenin in le woom!"

Then Gitgudwitch kame wunning into teh room too sea dah girls fondleng Qroahs bals as he steers at le TiTTies.

Den she be like, "Fuk yeah!" And strips hur cloths reeveeling Teh playboi buns cloths. Oshpen wus vawy happeh and stared at le deep pussy den did dah fooks in eet.

Roobee dah boobee sent teh picchurr ob deh fuxs to Yang.

Den she came into teh room and Yang Banged them.


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