Another Cas edit

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So I did this other edit of Cas, cuz I have nothing else to do with my life 😂😂😂 newhos, enjoy...

So I did this other edit of Cas, cuz I have nothing else to do with my life 😂😂😂 newhos, enjoy

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Did anyone catch the new season last night???

Sadly I didn't cuz I had to sacrifice my SPN for the new Jackie Chan movie "The Foreigner" cuz I really wanted to see it so bad, and it was supposed to come out today (Friday) but in the small and ghetto city I live they said it was only going to be in our theater last night (Thursday) So I was like NOOOOOOO!!!! 😢😢😢😢 why me!! But then they decided to actually put it up today too 😒😒😒

So yeah I really wanted to go to its premiere and so my bf and I decided to go to the movies instead, which let me tell you it waas so worth it!! Anything with Jackie Chan can never disappoint, so I'm happy even though I made a sacrifice. Btw you guys should totally go and what the movie it's so good!!! Will bring tears in your eyes, absolutely amazing.

Newhos, ima stop talking now and go on my way and find something to do 😂😂😂 love you guys, be back soon.

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