Chapter 26: Don't write a check your ass can't cash

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Tarrance's Pov

We ended up winning our game by one point. We could have done better, but oh well a win is a win. So I'll take it. The girls blew the other team out. Erica, and Heaven did a real good job today. No surprise.

"You ready to go?" I ask Erica taking her gym bag from her.

"Yeah, let's go find Keelah, Steph, and Malcom."

We get to the main hall and a fight is breaking out.

"Come on lets watch and then go and find them" I say with a smirk on my face

"Oh hell no is that Steph on the ground." Erica says getting ready to jump in but I pull her back.

"Yeah, but chill out she going to learn to stop letting her mouth run a check that her ass can't cash." I say chuckling under my breath.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Erica asks

"Exactly what I said now let it go." I reply.  After about two more minutes I got a little bit annoyed with the fight.

"Alright that's enough." Erica says getting in and breaking the fight up. I'm not going to lie from what we seen Steph held her own, but she still lost this one.

Erica was to busy helping Stephanie up that she didn't pay any attention to who she was fighting walking away. And past me. She smirked at me so I smirked back. And then went on about my day.

"So why were y'all fighting in the first place?" Erica asks Steph as we were walking to the car.

"Because I bumped into her, she was like 'excuse you'. So I was like 'No bitch excuse you.' and then she just stole off on me." Stephanie says.

"Don't write a check that your ass can't cash. You'll get tired of it. She should have beat your ass worse." I say.

We finally got to the car, Malcom and Akeelah were standing waiting for us.

"What took y'all so long?" Malcom asks.

"Ole dumb ass here got her ass beat for popping off to the wrong female." I Say laughing.

"Damn, sorry that I wasn't there. I would have had your back." Akeelah says

"Nah, she needed to learn that lesson. That's what she gets. She'll be okay. We got some icepacks at the house. I'll even let her use them for free." I'm getting a good laugh out of this. Usually I would have let Erica jump in it and help Stephanie out when she was getting beat up. But Stephanie needs to learn her lesson. How did I know that she wrote a check that her ass couldn't cash... well that's a story for another day.

"I'm glad you find this so funny." Stephanie says.

"Was I talking to you?" I ask

"No, but you were talking about me."

"Okay, what's your point I wasn't talking to you. Stay in your place, I'll speak on your ungrateful ass all that I want. Who's going to stop me? What you going to do? Beat me up?" I respond

"That's enough, Tarrance let her be." Erica says.

"Alright man, I'm done." I respond.

About five minutes later we made it home. I hurried up and went and got my stuff that I already had out so that I could get in the shower that's the hottest before Erica could. I just stood in the shower thinking after about 10 minutes of washing up. I never imagined things would be like this with my sister. Some nights I dreamed that everything that happened before, never really happened and that we grew up to be thick as thieves. I was the over protective big brother, and she was the annoying little sister with crushes on my guys. Stuff didn't play out like that, and as much as it hurts to say right about now I'm fine with that. She decided for things to be this way no matter how many times I tried to fix it, it wasn't enough for Stephanie. I'm wiping my hands with her for the time being, she made her bed and now she's got to lay in it.

After about 15 more minutes in the shower I finished up cause more than likely Erica's waiting to get in this shower, but she going have to wait some more, for the water to get back hot.

"You're childish you knew that I wanted to get in that shower." Erica says

"Well you gotta be quicker than that." I say mimicking the old man on one of the Jimmy Jones commercials.

"Your immature shut up, what are we ordering for dinner?" Erica asks.

"Domino's I want some pizza, and wings right about now. You can order it, go ahead and ask your sister what kind of pizza she wants." I say annoyed, I don't care for her right about now, but the least I can do right now is make sure she eats.

"Okay, Heaven, and Jaycon are coming over." She says

"Alright bet, when he gets here tell him to come down to the basement we have some business to handle. We've been slacking lately." I say

"When are you going to give It up?"

"Give what up?"

"The streets that's what, don't play like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"When I make it pro, and don't have to worry about how bills are going to get paid. Stop acting like it's just something that I can give up and we just be set. No it takes time. Erica, I'm not about to have this conversation with you right now. I'll be in the basement." I say walking away from her and heading into the kitchen to go to the basement.

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